Pool Party!!!!

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Dymon's POV

I was really excited about Lexi's party because i would be able to see Ray Ray again. I really like him and hope he feels the same way. It was only ten o'clock, but I'm gonna go a little early and help her get things together so I did my morning routine and made breakfast for myself.

Zack(her brother): (walking down the stairs) Oo I smell food what's for breakfast?

Me: Well for you there is a variety of food in the fridge for you to choose from, but me I'm having bacon,eggs and toast

Zack: If I were you I'd start making me breakfast

Me: And if I don't then what

Zack: Then this

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and ran upstairs and turned the cold water all the way up. While I screamed.


Zack: Are you gonna make me breakfast?


He finally put me down and turned the water off so I ran downstairs and put more food on the stove and when it finished I gave him a plate

Me: Happy now

Zack: Yes and thank you

Me: Mhm

Ray Ray 's POV

Lexi's party is today and I can't wait but go I hope that Dymon likes me because she's been running through my mind a lot I really like her even though it's only been a week I just want her to be mine but I don't want it to happen too quickly so I guess I can wait a bit.

Me: Good morning mom

Ray's mom: Good morning son are you doing anything today

Me: Yea a small party later

Ray 's mom: A party where

Me: Jacob's friends house

Ray 's mom: Well ok have fun I'm going out shopping

Me: Ok bye mom

Jacob's POV

Alicia's party today will be great I have to tell her that I really like her and I know she likes me to. I was getting ready for the party then I checked my messages because earlier I texted Lexi but I guess she was still asleep. I got bored so I was just watching Tv until the party.

Lexi's POV

I woke up late today around eleven forty-five and checked my phone I had six new messages all from Jacob.

Afro_kid>Jay: Lexiiiii

Afro_kid>Jay: Are you awake?

Afro_kid>Jay: WAKE UP CHILD!!!

Afro_kid>Jay: Get yo a*s out of bed

Afro_kid>Jay: Hellooo

Afro_kid>Jay: You know what forget you I'm out

I just laughed at the fact he thought he would wake me up then I did my morning routine and put on Jean shorts and a tank top. My parents left earlier and everyone else was still sleeping so I went to the kitchen and made pancakes and bacon for everyone and soon they all came running down the stairs.

Terrence: Good morning Lexi I smell bacon

Madison: Good morning(sees the food) Mmm bacon I want some

Demetre: BACON!!! Gimme gimme gimme

Me: Well good morning to you to Demetre

Demetre: (silent staring at the bacon)

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