Thats not what happened

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Lexi's POV

I didn't sleep last night I just wondered what me and Ray did then I got it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I was laughing and smiling then when I leaned in it looked like we were gonna kiss but we didn't I would never do that I really like Jacob and I need to explain to him what happened. Dymon she should know I wouldn't do that but I guess it did look that way I'll explain everything to them both later. I wanna meet them at the park and me and Ray will explain everything that happened.

Jacob's POV

I can't believe Alicia right now I wanted to be with her I was gonna ask her to be mine but she just went and did that. No I didn't really see them kiss but they leaned in and I need to know why whatever happened really happened. I checked my messages and there was one from Lexi.

Luv >dis_chica:Look I didn't kiss him I screamed at him but I can see why you thought that but please don't hate me f9r something I didn't even do

Afro_kid>Jay: Okay and I will never hate you

Dymon's POV

I really don't even want to talk to Alicia right now because she knows I like Ray and she goes and kisses him and right where everyone can see. I got a text from her saying she wanted to meet me in the park I'll just go because I wanna hear her story.

Lexi's POV

I texted everyone so they could meet me and Ray at the park so we could get our lives together. I did my morning routine put on something simple grabbed a yogurt and left walking to the park. (clothes on the side)


At the park

Lexi's POV

I just sat on a bench waiting for everyone and just thinking when I felt a tap on my shoulder. it was Ray here waiting with me now.

Ray: Hey Lexi

Me: Hey um do you know what we did wrong

Ray: Oh yea it took me a while though

Me: Yea me too but no one else knows what really happened so we need to get this cleared up

Ray: I completely agree

We talked for and I saw the other guys walk up to us and sit.

Lexi, Ray: Hey

Roc, Prod: Hey

Jacob's POV

I got to the park and Lexi looked so pretty if all goes well with this explanation we can finally be together which is what I wanted to happen yesterday but everything doesn't always go as planned I guess.

Lexi's POV

I put my had down Prince was just staring at his phone and I felt bad and just wanted the girls to hurry and get here because I need him to speak to me or I'm gonna go nuts I just need to hear his voice. The girls finally came with they slow selves a few minutes later.

Jojo, Jenelle: Hi

everyone except Dee, and Jacob: Hey

Lexi: I just want to get this over with so what actually happened yesterday was...(she told them from Ray stealing the taco to her screaming in his ear.) That's what happened nothing else so I hope y'all still ain't mad cause if you are I don't know what I'm suppose to do.

Dee: is that really what happened

Ray: (nods) yes

Dee: Well I'm sorry I misinterpreted what happened

Me: It's cool

Everyone else understood what happened and left just me and Jacob who still hasn't spoke to me and I just want to hear him.

Me: Jacob can you please speak t-(gco)

Out of no where he kissed me our lips moved together and I felt sparks as soon as his lips touched mine.

Jacob: I'm sorry I over reacted but Alicia I love you so much and I don't want to be mad at you for something so stupid your beautiful and I always regretted leaving you here and not seeing you for so long and I will always love you so will you please be mine.

Lexi: Yes of course I love you to and I'm glad you finally spoke to me

Jacob: Yes I can finally call you mine (he pulled me on his lap and pecked my lips) now I'm hungry let's go eat

Lexi: Great I'm always in the mood for food

Jacob: Yea yea let's go


With Dymon and Ray

Dymon's POV

I'm so happy after the park Ray and I went out for lunch I really like Ray and I want him and me to be together but we just met and I don't know how much he likes me so we'll see what happens in a long run, and now he is just driving be home.

Me: (fine China came on) (singing)

Ray: (smiles at you)

Me: don't judge I know I'm not good

Ray: actually your really good

Me: Really I don't think so

Ray: Well what do you thing is good

Me: Alicia she's fantastic and not only sat singing

Ray: Well I think your great

Me: Thx

Ray: your welcome

He dropped me home and left.


With Jacob and Lexi

Jacob: well you sure can eat your like Prod but female

Me: (chuckles) I'm just hungry

Jacob: So was I but apparently not as much as you

Me: Okay well I'm done now you ready to go

Jacob: yea lets go

He took my hand and lead me to the car we got in and he took me home.The car stopped in front of my house.

Jacob: I love you

Me: I love you more

Jacob: No you don't

Me: Yes I do

Jacob: Don't start I love you WAY more okay

Me: Mhm okay bye

Jacob: bye

We both came out the car then he came up to me and hugged me from behind

Me: What are you doing

Jacob: I never got my kiss and I live right there (he pointed to the house in front of mine)

Me: oh yea

We kissed and it felt great then we both went inside or houses. It was a great day for me I loved it.

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