I wouldn't do that

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Okay people I did over some of the last chapter so you can read it over so some stuff will make sense in this chapter.


Lexi's POV

The next morning I woke up and did my morning routine and it was a bit late so when I went to the kitchen everyone was ready and eating so I made my plate and ate with everyone the I got a text from Dymon

Text convo

Shining_Dymon: Chick where r u

luv: Well good morning to you too

Shining_Dymon: Yea good morning where r u

luv: Home duh where else

Shining_Dymon: You need to get to school it's gonna start in like 10 minutes

luv: Alright and I'll be there in like 3

Shining_Dymon: Mhm sure you will

I ate another piece of bacon, told everyone bye, grabbed my bag, and left. I got into my car and drove off to school and since the road was clear it only took me 2 minutes so when I walked inside it was three. When I got to my locker everyone was there waiting for me.

"I'm here told you I could make it in three"

"You drove" Dydy said

"I'm still here aren't I"

"Mhm" Dydy said

"Hey" Everyone said

"Hey people, Can I talk to you alone" I said to Roc

"uh sure" he said confused

"What about me" Jacob said

"I'll see you later"

I went around a corner and he followed behind me.

"Okay so why did you want to talk to me alone" Roc said

"I wanted to know if you really like Briana"

"Yes I do why"

"Don't you know that Johanna likes you boy and I know you like her back"

"Yea I do but she has a boyfriend"

"Now where the hell did you hear that nonsense from"


"Look you need to keep an eye on Briana because she isn't who you think she is"

"She seems nice to be though"

"Yea cause she wants t-" gco "ugh let's go Imma talk to you about this later I guess"


We went to our classes and I had Science with Jenelle first.

"Hey Jenelle"

"Hey ready for science"

"I'm ready to get on the teacher's nerves again"

"You always do" she said laughing

"I just say what pops into my head"

"someday something smart will pop into your head and you'll say that"

"let's hope that day is today"

When we got to class I kept my mouth shut most of the time but then the teacher asked a question.

"What is taxonomy...Alicia would you like to answer he said even though other kids were raising their hands

"I didn't raise my hand"

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