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I sit with a book of the contents: bone marrow, one I have read quite some times before. I sit in tables in outside gardens under the blissful night sky.

"Er master Harry..." A flushed maid calls I think her name to be Sioven?

"Oh how many times do I have to tell you Harry is more then enough Sioven."

I move away so she can clean up the tea cup and notice how her blush creeps up slightly more.

"Are you cold you ought to go back inside I can take the tea myself..."

Suddenly she grabs cup forcefully with horror crossing on her plain features.

"Oh no Master. I couldn't Miss Tatiana... oh no you can go back to your novel sir, I will go back insides I shouldn't of know I would of bothered you I will..."

I sigh knowing Sioven will always call me master so far for normality. I place my hand lightly on her shaken one.

"There no need for rush I'm almost finished anyway..." I get up slowly but she quickly runs back inside.

"No sir it's quite alright." And she left what a queer maid.

I stare back at the dark night the book forgotten what a pretty sight it is. I get up and start walking through the vast plain, touching the delicate flowers and leaves. Mesmerising pulchritude it is the ugly word doesn't quite suit the flow of loveliness the nature, projects.

Without warning I hear a all too familiar sound snip snip.

I walk briskly now picking up the pace. My heart pounding it couldn't be, she wouldn't be there, it's just a gardener. But what gardner would be cutting dark red roses off bushes at midnight.

There stands a girl speedily shearing off the colour off the green. Under the shine of the moon stands a girl. My head hurts and my heart stops.

"Are you human?"

Suddenly the girls faces me her face as if a deer caught in headlights even the face is beautiful along with the flowers in her peculiar basket, I shake of the wierd thoughts. And surprising me the girl howls in laughter guffawing and similar noises to a pig.

"Eh? No I'm a potato!"

Her voice is musical, sounding of nature if wind could talk. She says with a little hint of something I can't recognise. I can't even understand why she she's stating herself as a vegetable.

Seeing my face her laughter dies.

"No a human why would ya say that mate?" I notice a different pronunciation a litter slurs of ys and cutting words. I stand completely baffled.

"It's just- well you know..."

"Oh yeah yeah ya' all white folks."

I don't understand a single word she saying. We stand there quietly as I take the silence to look at her closely she has the most thick jet black hair and the most beautiful of dark brown eyes. Her iris reflecting the silver and bright of the moonlight the darkness catching the whole night sky. Her face is petite with round cheeks but she still held prominent cheekbones and a jawline. There was no one who looked like that.

"Oh yeah you mates ain't getting- oh right well I am not white so that may... Frighten ya."
I smile at her attempt of trying to sound normal she doesn't though so I tug my smile down.

Stars are in your eyes H.SWhere stories live. Discover now