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She sits against the thorny bush, yet that doesn't matter as her face is pale, draining of her tan colour.
Her lips turning a dangerously blue colour and all she is wearing a small tank top with small small shorts. Her closed eyes flickering, you see her chest breathing but her hands and bare feet are purple. There is snow piled in her raven hair which is spread out.

I rush to her without thinking and scoop her in my arms, she is surprisingly and frighteningly light.

I race to my study hoping with every once of hope there isn't any one awake.

I hear a sound of footsteps and quickly hide behind a wall.

Please don't turn this way.




The footsteps further away till I can't hear any.

I let out some of my long breath.

I'm scared Zoia doesn't have one.

I reach my study kicking it open with my foot. I lay her down on my small sofa, I never use.

I on the heating and reach for some clothes, I had lying around. I get some warm water from the kitchen, hopefully not running into anyone who would question the hot water bottle at 1am.

When I come back she is conscious but not very responsive.

I grab a blanket I keep here for when I crash here from exhaustion, covering her. 
Her hair turns damp from the melted snow and I put a hot towel on her forehead. She turns her head to me,

"I..." I put a single finger in her lips and tilt the glass of hot water in her mouth. She gulps gratefully and urgently. I get another hot towel and wipe her face. Wipe down to her arms and the to her frozen fingers she gasps from relief and sensation.

I hug her hoping my body heat will warm her even more quickly.


I wake from the sunshine pouring from white window, of where I first saw Zoia.
I slowly rub the sleep from my eye, running a hand through my hair.

I turn back to her and to my surprise she's awake her eyes are open staring at me. She has maintained her colour, her lips cracked but still a healthy pink. She bats her long lashes and just stares, then I realise I'm still hugging her, while laying closely next to her on the too small sofa. I jump back realising, she slowly gets up the blanket covering her from the little clothing her.

I don't ask.

Why she was freezing to death next to a pile of blood red roses with black tips.

People are meant to bleed, when they die its some type of image people automatically think of when they think of death it's linked to blood.

She wouldn't die with a pool of blood but red flowers. With her blue self.

"Why did ya save me?"

"I couldn't leave you there- dead."

She doesn't have any conflict or gratitude on her face just a very angry glare.

Stars are in your eyes H.SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora