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I woke to a soft murmur disregarding it, I fall into another blissful dream state with clouds so many fluffy clouds.

(Ps I like happy Harry he's like an adorable kid)

I reach my hand passing through the cotton-like puffs. I float through with ease, I am in the sky looking down on nothing but a field of clouds, I look over my shoulder and see a figure sitting on the clouds. Staring out, as if there's something extraordinary there but all I see is her.

I can't see her face it's cover by her curtain of black inklike hair. Crossed leg I touch her shoulder and see her turn towards me she was, as my mother would call foudroyant. Stunning and as striking as lighting. She smiles to me and touches the spot beside her and points outwards but I still see nothing.

"Sit Harry."


I sit down but as soon as I sit I fall right through the clouds as I fall through I see her disheartened face. I fall right through to the dinner table where another lady sits but she's got pale hair and blue eyes.

"Sit Harry."

As I sit on the chair the lady is staring out to something beautiful but when I sit there's nothing but a pigs eating up the food and pigeons caged...

I wake up to a very squealing voice and look down to see my sister automatically scoop her up in my arms and I tickle her belly and she lets out a line of high pitched giggles.

"How dare you wake your big brother."

She mouths no and I tickle her.

"Mama wants you." As I sit her on my lap I frown as I hear what she says, thats never good news.

I walk through the narrow corridors, greeting the maids.

I open the door to my mothers room to find her scribbling down some things down her thin hair pulled in a high neat bun and her head eyes focused solely on the paper.

She doesn't notice my presence so I clear my throat she turns at me abruptly.

"Awake are we now?" She nods her head to the clock oh it's 1 o'clock.


"I went to find at you at your room, but oddly enough you weren't there, I thought perhaps you had gone somewhere and then I found you fast asleep, using your desk as a pillow."

I nod swiftly

"Is there some specific reason you don't share the bed with your wife?"

"No I er..."

"Oh Harry I am not going to ever have to talk to you about this again, I also hear you had a fall out with her majesty."

I stand still

"And...You didn't speak to her afterwards..."
I start to speak but she buys me off with the flick of her finger

"I don't want to hear it." She speaks with a cold voice,
"I never want to hear about this again Harry. Never, you agreed to this marriage."

Funny don't remember that.

"And when are we going to talk children, they do need an heir."
I stay silent not wanting a lecture on reproduction and so on and she didn't need to know at this moment about my decision.

"Mother all will be alright, I got upset at Tatiana but not anymore I was just do some work in the study it got a bit late and...it won't happen again." She nods and dismisses me.

I walk through the corridors, the white walls reflecting the pattern of the lanterns placed here and there. When I find the elderly lady and head of the maids: Gretchen.

"Er Gretchen, do you perhaps know where Lady Tatiana is?" She stares at me with a confused expression.

"Hers majesty left to Fata Fiduciam Sir. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Of course she did.

"Well please come by my study I have a letter to er send to Tatiana, it would oh so delightful if it were sent quickly."

She nods muttering something about oblivious husbands and expensive costs.

There isn't much to do as I sit down once again at my study the chestnut table, smooth under my fingers as I pull out my painting to finish. The smell of oil and acrylic fill me with a floating sense and I look at to the dark night. The stars bright against the navy sky. Pictures randomly I remember from my dream though I can't quite remember what it was.

A rustle of the red rose bush brings me to the current. I immediately race to the door finding my way though the maze of corridors and leaping once again onto the wet grass dark under the night.
I briskly walk to the bush and see her.


She is tired and bruised.

I leap forward and catch her arm, where a fresh big purple patch lies.

"What happened."
She flinches from my touch as if I am acid. And steps back, you can see the tremble of her  cut lips and her eyes dark and glossy. Her right leg limping.

What on earth happened.

She nods her head as if she speaks she will break and crumble into sand.


She whispers finally, after moments of silence except the faint crickets, her voice cracking. She has a torn lips and also a small bruise under her neck and a swollen on her face.

My heart cracks.

Then she darts as quick as a fox, her hands bare, without a basket as I see she wears a slim blood red dress, it's side torn. And climbs up the hedge as if she is born to.

"I can help you, wait!"
She shakes her head and jumps over disappearing under the now pitiful moonlight.

The basket of deep burgundy roses lies next to my feet I sigh sorrowfully and pick it up.

"Why Zoia why?"


Oh well what do you think what happened to Zoia?🙁
Comment below....

I'm in Thailand and super happy but I cannot forget about my story 😂😘

Like story covers I really enjoy making them you just have to tell me what you envision and the title etc.. All you have to do is give me creds.

Anyways love you always 🙃
Take 🕶 sunglasses cus you too cool af


Ps. I'm a potato

Pss. Ik it's impossible but so is Harry styles hotness

Psss. You can go now xx

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