Part 16

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A/N: Hey, really sorry about taking absolutely forever to update, been sick and Uni been taking the energy I had left. Hoping to update a bit more over the next few weeks as on break (first break longer than a week in a long time). Think my writing has changed a lot and I don't really remember where I was going with this story so likely changed completely but hopefully it is okay. Enjoy.

Grace looked around the small room that she had been thrown into curiously. It was gloomy and dark but still she could see everything clearly, including her sire standing on the other side of the door.

"Well, always a good plan to get kidnapped by someone you haven't seen in a century."She sighed. It was strange seeing him again after so long.

"Still talking to yourself at times I see."

Standing up, Grace walked serenely to the door.

"Or maybe I knew that you were there." She quirked her eyerow. Ïs this even locked?".

"No, I trust that you will not leave though."He replied. "My guards will do their job and stop you if you try anyway."

"Guards now, my you have gone ahead."

"It was necessary to keep up with the times. I'm sure you would understand if you had lived away from that institute for even a few days."

Ït's possible for me to understand keeping up with the times what is not possible for me to understand is, why did you bring me here?"

"You do realise that those who adopted you are in the spotlight. You would have been thrust into a position in which you could not hide, our world saw this as a threat."

"So kidnapping me was your best option." Grace scoffed. ""You have a lot to learn if that is your best idea, I've already been on an interview, the world knows how I look. They will all be looking for me."

"They will forget about you in a few weeks, it will blow over." He shrugged.

"I'm not so sure about that. They are rather protective of me even though I have only been with them a few days."

"You are nothing to them, they will forget." He sneered and stormed off.

"Could have gone better. "Grace sighed before opening the door and stepping out. She was going to find a way back to her family one way or another, she had to, especially in order get her vision to come true.


The sun was high in the sky by the time She made it out to a courtyard, there was not many people around, none of them were like her.
"Hello, are you new here?" A young woman asked.
Ï was brought here without my consent, I wish to leave."
The woman's eyes widened.
"You are one of them!"she said nervously. "How are you out here now?"
"Them? What do you mean?"
"Only the bloodsuckers are brought here, they are unable to walk in the sun without being drained of all energy within seconds and crumbling into dust."
"I have only recently started walking in the sun,  the same day as I was adopted into a small family." Grace smiled. "Things have changed a lot for me over the last few days and I just want to get back to them."
"You are the one then, the vampire who will change the ways of olde and return us to freedom."
Ï don't understand." Grace sighed, she was very confused and just wanted to get back to the boys.
"Come with me, I will keep you safe till you can leave." The woman promised and pulled her around to the back of the courtyard and down a hidden staircase.


One direction adopted a vampire (slow updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora