Part 18

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Silence fell in the library. I couldn't even hear the breathing of the people around me and yet the rest of my senses were screaming at me to run, leave this strange place and never look back. I knew that i couldn't though, there was too much here for me to do even if I didn't want to do so.

"We call to order the first meeting of the transcended." Yorik, the man who I had met earlier called.

People were surrounding the room, all standing and none with more than a centimetre of room between them and the next person. It was an ambush, from the moment I said i would help people had flocked in as if just waiting for the words to be said. I felt cramped and hot, even though since my turning i hadn't felt the change in temperatures, it was strange to feel it once more after this long time of no change.

"The prophesized one has arrived, she is here to save us all." Yorik said quietly, yet i knew everyone heard as his voice carried throughout the room without trying. "She doesn't understand what is happening quite yet but she will, we shall make sure of that."

"How can she not know?" A young girl asked, she looked to be around twelve years old but her eyes told a different story, they were filled with hope and terror that was only seen in someone who had seen too much and was haunted.
"She has only just entered the human world, hidden away until recently and only just being brought here today." Yorik replied before turning to look at me.
"My name is Grace," I started . "Until today I knew nothing about any of this and now, all I know is that I want to help.  Everyone deserves to be free."

It was the right thing to say as a murmur went through the crowd, then the cheers began. They were so happy, I just hoped that I would be able to help them and wouldn't fail to save these people.


The boys stared forlornly at the phone, hoping that the person who took Grace would tell them some more information so they could find her. They needed to bring her back. A few days with her was all it took to incorporate her into their lives and they wanted her back so they could continue. It was unusual how quickly they had come to need her around but the pain of not knowing where she had been taken was tearing them up.

"We have to find her, this is just ridiculous." Niall said running his hand through his hair messing it up even more than it had been.
Their concert had finished only half an hour earlier and they were being driven back to the hotel, hopefully for a rest and to find out more on what could have happened to Grace.

 "The police are already on it but, I really am not sure how well they are looking, it hasn't been 24 hours yet and so they probably won't start to properly search for a few more hours." Harry sighed.

"Not true, it's a kidnapping case, they should be looking already." Liam replied before turning to look out the window at the blur or lights as they sped by.

"She's safe, I can feel that much." Zayn said suddenly. "It's only slight but I can feel that she is alright."

"That's the best news I've had today. We need rest, then we can start looking tomorrow." Liam said as the car pulled up outside the hotel and the roar of the fans waiting outside got increasingly loud.
"Let's go then." Louis said putting on a cheerful face and opening the door to the storm of people outside.


The meeting continued and I listened on in shocked silence. They were no longer of this mortal coil, like me they had left it many years ago however, they were trapped. This place was an in between where those who were killed on the grounds surrounding this hall were trapped until they could one day be set free. It was my destiny to set them free, this is why I was turned.  

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