Part 19

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It turns out that life can throw you for a loop no matter how many times you have ridden the roller coaster.  All it takes is a simple question and you find yourself filled with hope and a lingering sense of desire so strong it becomes impossible to ignore. A new path sets itself up in front of your eyes and you know that no matter what, it is that path that you would follow. Danger, fear, destruction, they are what lies on this path and yet you also know that there is love, hope and happiness. You would do anything to make sure you stay on that path even though you know it will hurt more than anything has hurt you before. it's one of those intricate things of life that you never truly understand until it is thrown your way; would think you would choose to do what is easy but now you see that it is right. the path of love is a curious thing, it makes fools of us all and yet we all do the same thing time and time again. Following the path that leads us astray, to the place where we can be broken. It is worth it.

Grace, her name rolls off my tongue and makes me want to smile. it causes my mind to shut down and logic defies me. I want to be around her always and protect her even though I know she doesn't need my protection. I will follow her to the ends of the earth;  Love is a flower and she, its only seed.


Nights are hard. At night the rest of the undead are able to wander about freely and so I am trapped with them, holding on to the hope that it will soon be over and we will all be free. Only two days here and I already know that I could never stay here, they are ruthless and cruel. My creator, he rules them all with an iron thumb never letting anyone do anything. a toe out of line and they feel his full wrath. He hasn't done so to me yet but everyone flinches when I do not do as told, I believe they are being punished for my misbehaviour, it hurts but I can not bow down to his whims knowing that if I do I am leaving so many others to a fate worse than death.

The ghosts, those who are trapped are my saviours. they believe that I am theirs but I know without them I would have been lost already. I have seen it in the eyes of many here, the fear that I will let go and join my creator in his cruelty and let them all to suffer. I can't do that to them though, I would gladly suffer to help them leave this forsaken place. I just wish that I could see the people I call family once again.

I am over two hundred years old and yet I feel as knowledgeable as a new-born about life on the outside, this complex has started changing me in ways that I know are not for the best. watching these people day after day, suffering the fate of never leaving, never being able to know what life is like beyond the walls of this prison. I may be able to see the sunshine but even then I am still trapped, fighting to keep myself and my morals from falling. this place is filled with an evil too strong to not taint even the most innocent of souls.

I must break them free sooner rather than later because I fear, even now that if I don't leave soon the evil will taint me completely and then all hope will be lost.

I must save the people here, the ones who are no longer free to leave alive but deserve to go on to the afterlife rather than be stuck here. It is my duty, I must not let this evil stop me.

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