Part 6

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It was late in the evening when they finally got to the place Grace would be calling home.  The sun was hanging low in the sky ready to drop behind the hills at any second.

"Welcome to your new home." Liam smiled opening the door and standing out of the way to let the rampage of boys past him. "You could have let Grace in first!" he called out.

"Its fine," Grace replied laughing as she stepped into the house. The first things she noticed was pictures lined the walls; all of the boys and their families.

Following the boys path she found herself in the lounge area, a large television was on the wall and the boys were all squeezed onto one couch in front of it.

"Anything you want to watch?" Harry asked having already put on a movie and was watching avidly; obviously not going to change the channel for anything.

"I'm alright, may I know where my room is so I can put my things away?" Grace asked just wanting a bit of time alone, she needed to think about everything that had happened in the short amount of time.

"Sure, I'll show you the way." Liam said, Grace was grateful for Liam as he seemed to be the only one who was sensible enough to do things around the place. She followed Liam along the corridor and up a set of stairs.

"Yours is the third door on the right." Liam pointed to a purple door a bit further down the landing.

"Thank you." Grace smiled happily skipping towards the door with her bags. Opening the door was another surprise; the walls were a light red colour and the curtains a dark red, a bedspread matched the room with a swirl type pattern.

"Do you like it?" Liam asked hopefully.

"I love it." Grace smiled. She had been so used to the grey of her room at the orphanage that the colours seemed amazing.

"If you need anything we will go shopping tomorrow and get some stuff." Liam said. "I'll leave you to it."

Grace watched as Liam disappeared down the stairs before setting to work putting her clothes away. She found a walk in wardrobe tucked behind a smaller curtain and a bathroom attached.

It didn't take long to unpack, as with packing she used her vampire speed and she didn't have much anyway. Making a mental note that she would like a study desk she decided to read one of her diaries; something she did to comfort herself when she was nervous. Opening to a random date she began to read;

May 12 1820

I've been feeling different for a few days now; since that man attacked me the sun no longer seems as enticing as it once did. Food repulses me and the thought of life seems foreign. I am unsure what is happening to me but I feel like a monster. My senses are heightened; I can smell the fear of the girl in the room next door; everyone seems to be frightened off me now. I do not understand this, what is going on? I can hear blood flowing through the veins of people as they walk past; the heart pushes it around the body, I can even hear the valves stopping blood flow.  Keeping my mind occupied seems to help but I am constantly thinking about blood, energy and ways to get it -so different to what I used to think of (boys and friends). My body feels strange, like I am not completely here.

May 13 1820

A man came to visit me today, it was the same man who attacked me earlier this week. He tried to tell me that I was no longer the same; he said the word vampire. I do not understand quite what he meant but it does sound terrifying. He explained that I would soon thirst for blood and wanted to take me out hunting with him. There is a bond between this man and I; he said it would pass once I mature, that it is like a paternal bond to keep me safe till I learn the ropes. One day I may understand but for now I shall just follow as he says; maybe then he will explain things more clearly.

She stopped reading and thought back to those days where she thought she just had an illness. It was strange thinking that had been almost two hundred years ago, she had just turned eighteen at the time and had been at the orphanage three years. Her life had actually ended back then the night of her attack and she awoke as a new person, a new creature; a creature of the night. Legally she had been old enough to leave the orphanage but she did not feel comfortable leaving everything she knew once she was turned instead choosing to stay and then never leaving; until now. She wondered why she had changed her mind; so many years in the one place and her social skills had declined, another reason she had turned to her room as soon as she could.

She heard the boys come upstairs and heading towards her room, she went to the door to meet them opening it just as they were about to knock.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Hello Grace, we were just about to head to bed as we have to get up early tomorrow." Liam explained yet again being the mature one while Louis and harry bickered in the background.

"Alright, what time do I need to be up?" Grace asked nervous with so many people around.

"We have to be out of the house by nine so depending on how long you take to get ready I'd say about eight." Liam responded. The boys all groaned at the time mentioned causing Grace and Liam to laugh at them.

"Alright then, see you in the morning." Grace nodded at the boys. "Goodnight."

"Night Grace." They all replied before grumbling off towards their bedrooms.

Grace listened as they all got into bed and waited till she could hear their breathing even out before she got up and began to quietly waltz around the room.

A/N It's probably going to be different now as my friend gave up on it and wants me to continue writing it; I hope this is not too different.

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