Part 30

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Louis POV continued;

The first blow was kind of expected. I probably shouldn't have answered 'Spiderman' when they asked me for my name, nor should I have smirked. The second blow was not so expected, this one to my left temple with what felt like a metal rod. I could have sworn I heard my skin split before the blood began to trickle down my face.

It felt like I had been answering questions forever when he asked a question to which my answer seemed to anger him beyond reason.

"Where do you hail from?"

"Earth." The first answer I had truthfully replied as it was the only one I felt safe to do so with.

"Earth is a story told to children, you can not fool me." the man snarled making me wince. "Where are you from?" his breath so close to my face.

How was I supposed to answer this question correctly if he didn't believe when I told him the truth? I don't even know the names of places in this place but if I didn't answer I was frightened of the outcome.

"Terra?" I answered though it definitely sounded more like a question than an answer and I tensed for another hit. I wasn't disappointed as another blow was aimed at head.

"You would have me believe that you are from beyond this realm, something that should be completely impossible?" the man sneered. Footsteps further away alerted me to the fact someone else was in the room.

"Sir, we have a situation in prison block 12." The new man said.

"Take him back to his cell." my interrogator ordered.

Someone grabbed my arm and forced me to walk. A few moments later I was pushed and someone caught me. My blindfold was removed to reveal a concerned looking Zayn.

"Louis are you alright?" Zayn asked looking me over with a critical eye like I had seen some doctors do.
"Fine," I smiled at him before moving to a corner and placing my head against the cool wall to try and ease the throbbing headache caused by the second blow.

It seemed that Harry had woken in the time I was away because I heard him ask what had happened. I realized when no one answered that he was asking me and sighed softly.

"They want to know where we are from and Earth was definitely not the correct answer to give." I replied, wincing at the sharp intake o breath from Zayn.

"There is no way they do not know where we are from or who we are, they are just playing games with us." He said angrily.

"nothing we can do, please lets talk about something different." I pleaded just wanting to take my mind off my experience. I really didn't feel like discussing the reason I was being tortured.

"Alright." Zayn nodded before beginning to tell a story about his training as a fallen Angel.

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