Part 13

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“I want the window seat!” Louis whined as Harry pushed him out of the way to get there.

“Tough, I’ve got it.” Harry said immaturely poking his tongue out.

“Stop fighting, we have a long flight ahead of us and I’d rather not play babysitter.” Liam said sounding strict, he was obviously tired.

Zayn had somehow managed to sneak to his seat and fall asleep in the two minutes this had been going on while Niall had raided an invisible fridge.

“Where did you get that?” Harry asked, his stomach grumbled.

“Fridge at the front.” Niall replied between mouthfuls.

“Can I have some?” Harry asked looking at the stash of food Niall had in his lap.

“Get your own, this is all mine. I’m starving.” Niall replied shielding his supplies.

“Liam, make Niall share with me.” Harry whined.

“I’m not getting into a war about food with Niall.” Liam replied taking his seat next to Grace who was quietly watching the scene in front of her unfold.

“Please.” Harry pouted.

“No, sort yourself out.” Liam scolded and grabbed his headphones before anyone else could drag him into an argument.

Much of the flight consisted of bickering between Louis and Harry but some of it was Harry trying to steal Niall’s food finally however, things quietened down as they began to fall asleep. As silence fell Grace began to sense something; it felt strange like something was tugging her and then it came; a vision.

A boy was sitting in the courtyard, definitely human. He was new; quite obviously too by the way he looked at everything like he was lost. He was with a small group of friends but didn’t seem to fit in with them yet, his face was blank but his eyes showed immense emotion.

The vision changed

Grace was sitting in a classroom and the boy walked in. The teacher introduced him to the class and directed him to sit next to her. As he got closer she could see the emotions he was hiding, the most prominent one was fear. The boy saw down and pulled out his books but not without sending a small smile towards Grace.

The vision blurred and when Grace opened her eyes she was back on the plane. This hadn’t been her first vision but this one frightened her, she knew that this boy would be important to her by the way she felt about him in the visions. “It can’t be my soul mate? Could it?” She pondered to herself as she looked out at the clouds, the sky turning light again signalling to her that they were nearing their destination.

As the flight ended and the plane was opened to let the passengers off Grace forgot all about her vision and joined the boys in racing to get off.

A/N Heya, this is more of a filler chapter. Have just started Uni so updates will likely be much less common. Hope you enjoy :D

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