Part 28

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A/N Hi guys, sorry it took so long to update, I have just moved out of home for study and have been trying to get organised and started placement yesterday so it has been incredibly hectic. I shall try to update soon but study sadly must cime first. Hope you enjoy this...

Liam's POV:

I came to groggily. My head was throbbing, muscles aching. The room I was in was too bright for my eyes and I stared blearily around, trying to see my friends. The next things I noticed was that I was actually in a field and not in a room like I first thought, lying on cold, wet ground with someone steadily shovelling dirt on top of me. 

"Hey! What are you doing?" I squeaked. Squeaked? More like coughed out as some dirt went down my throat. 

"Ah, finally awake I see." A man's voice said from the right; he didn't seem very suprised considering the fact that he was in the process of burying me in a somewhat shallow grave. 

"What do you mean?" I asked as he sent another shovel full of dirt at me. This was very confusing, I remember saving Niall then believing I was going to die, so what had happened in between then and now. 

"People often wake up after dying here, especially if it isn't their time. I believe that the reapers just refuse to take your soul till it is your time." The man explained.

"I was dead?" I choked. How could I not remember that?

"Yes, very dead. The fangs of one of the King's guard pierced your neck, instant death." The man grinned. "Quite gory, lots of your blood to clean up too." 

I was suddenly glad to be lying down, even if it was in my supposed grave, as I felt incredibly faint at the thought of it. 

"Luckily we found you before you revived under the creature, would not have been very pleasant for you otherwise." The man continued, seemingly unaware of my horror. How was this converation still going anyway? 

"So, where do you hail from?" He asked suddenly.

"Er, England." I replied, very glad for the change in topic. 

"Where's that then?" he looked very confused. 

"Uhm, on Earth?" that definitely sounded more like a question than an answer.

"You mean  beyond this realm?" the man was looking at me wide eyed and I could sense awe in his gaze. 

"Yes, death is very permanent out there." I added so he would realise how weird I was finding this entire situation. 

"Facinating." Was all he replied before continuing to bury me.

"You can stop burying me now." I said nervously trying to free myself. My arms and legs were very well buried and so it didn't get me anywhere. 

"It's all part of the healing process, just relax and I'll get you out before you know it." He sighed sounding frustrated.

This is seriously weird, I needed to escape this place and find my friends. 

One direction adopted a vampire (slow updates)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant