Part 11

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Louis found Niall sitting in the lounge.

“Hey, you doing okay?” Louis asked sitting next to him.

“Yeah, guess it was just a bit of a shock.” Niall grinned madly.

“Not the only shock we’ve had, you may want to talk to Zayn sooner rather than later.” Louis smiled nervously down at the ground.

“What do you mean?” Niall questioned feeling his stomach sink.

“He has been hiding a secret and told us after you left. It’s quite important too.” Louis replied.

“Oh, I still can’t believe we have a vampire in our midst.” Niall sighed thinking about how he took the reaction as he had been doing since he had got down there. “What if she thinks I hate her or that I’m scared of her?” He asked himself worried that he may have ruined all chances of being friends because of his reaction.

“Come on, I think you should go up and talk to them, Grace looked a bit sad when you ran out so it would be good if you went and told her why.” Louis said sounding much more grown up than Niall had heard him be.

“Yeah, just give me another minute and I will join you.” Niall replied looking at Louis hoping he would take the hint of Niall wanting to be alone a bit longer.

“Of course, I’ll see you shortly then.” Louis said before giving Niall’s shoulder a light squeeze and heading out of the room.

A few minutes later Niall had managed to gather up the courage to go and talk to Grace. He made his way up to her bedroom and stood outside the door; after a moment the door opened and Grace smiled at him.

“Thought I heard someone breathing, come on in.” She said cheerfully moving aside to allow him to enter.

“Thanks,” Niall grinned nervously and moved inside. The others were all sitting around the room and Liam looked like he had seen a ghost, although nothing would surprise Niall at this moment.

“Hey Niall, come have a seat.” Zayn said patting the spot next to him. Niall moved slowly over to the spot and sat down hesitantly.

“Louis said you have something to tell me…” Niall said nervously looking anywhere but Zayn and Grace.

“He was right, I told the others and you should know…” Zayn sighed heavily. “I’m a fallen angel.”

“What does that even mean?” Niall snapped angry that Zayn had kept this from his friends.

“It means that I died and was then returned to Earth as an angel.” Zayn explained. He had explained mot of this to the others while Niall was downstairs but knew Niall deserved to know the same as everyone else.

“You died?” Niall asked incredulously.

“Yeah, when I was seven I walked in front of a car that I didn’t see. No one remembers because it was wiped from people’s memories to protect the truth about me.” Zayn replied. He felt uncomfortable talking about this as he had had to keep this as a secret for so long.

“Being a fallen angel… What’s it like?” Louis asked butting into their conversation.

“Pretty much the same as being human although I can see things others don’t and have a few… talents…” Zayn smiled at the confused looks he was getting before continuing. “I can read people’s minds as a way to help them and I have a few magical abilities that help me protect people.”

“He has certain people who he needs to protect; it’s like a job.” Grace added.

“Who are you protecting?” Liam asked.

“Why don’t you have a guess, if I protect them I’m around them as often as possible. Who fits that description?” Zayn laughed.

“Us?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, you are the people I look after; the reason I was brought back from the dead. I was chosen because of being perfect for fitting into this group.” Zayn smirked. “Hello.”

“Oh, but how did they know we would be put into a group together?” Liam questioned.

“They see all of time; time isn’t relative to them as they do not have a corporeal existence.” Grace replied as if it was the most obviously thing in the world.

“What? Can you repeat that in English?” Niall asked.

“They live in all times at once.” Zayn said.


An awkward silence fell in the group as everyone looked between Niall and Grace.

“Well, we will just head out now.” Liam said before herding everyone else out of the room.

“Hey,” Grace smiled at Niall.

“Hi…” Niall felt awkward again. “I’m sorry about leaving before, it was just a shock…”

“Its fine, I will promise not to steal any of your blood though.” Grace joked to lighten the mood.

“Thanks, that helps.” Niall replied grinning madly. “Any chance I could get a snack?”

“Only you Niall...” Grace laughed. “I’d offer you something from my fridge but I doubt you would enjoy any of it.”

“No, what is it?” Niall was curious.

“Pigs blood, best substitute.” Grace replied proudly. “Come on, I make great pancakes.”

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