Part 25

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A/N Hi, thought I would just say that the creatures are like a taxxon in the Animorphs series by K.A Applegate.

Zayn POV

There were too many for me to fight alone, the creatures all towered above me at least seven foot tall. I didn't know what to do or how to make sure that the others were not found even if something happened to me. It hurt knowing I couldn't protect them any longer.

A rustle behind me signalled someone waking.
"Zayn?" it was Liam.
"Get in the cave and stay quiet." I whispered, hoping he heard.
"What's happening?" Niall asked.
"Quiet!" I hissed, too late. The creatures had heard and were trying to get passed me into the cave. "Damn it."
"Zayn?" Liam sounded very unsure and frightened.
"Yes?"I sigh waiting for the inevitable.
"What are these creatures?" He had now stepped out of the cave into their vision.

"The King's guard." I replied, wincing at the thought of being taken before the King of this realm. No one knew his name, only that he was cruel and rather disturbing.

"You shall come with us." The nearest creature ordered, its voice high pitched, making my sensitive ears hurt slightly.

"And if we don't want to?" To my surprise it was Harry who said this. He had his sword in the ground and was casually leaning on it like the situation was boring to him.

"We will make you." The creature responded, a strange clicking noise at the end of the sentence was all that showed its agitation.

"What do you guys want to do?" I asked not turning to look at them. If I did it would likely be taken as an opportunity for the guards to attack.

"If going with them takes us closer to Grace I say it may be worth going with them." Louis said nervously.

"But if it takes us further away? Niall asked.

"It's too great a risk. I say try fight and get away." Harry said, pulling his sword from, the ground and holding it loosely in his right hand.

"But we are more likely to get hurt if we fight." Liam said, sensible as always.

"I'm going to suggest going with them, you guys are just not good enough fighters and these creatures have been trained for years to kill. It is literally their life." I sighed, hoping that they would agree because I didn't want to see my friends dead.

"No, I refuse!" Harry yelled, he had a slightly wild look in his eyes which worried me.

"Alright," I frown and pull my already bloodied sword out. "Stay out of my way as much as possible then."

The creatures began clicking in anger before their claws sharpened and they began gnashing their teeth together once again.

"You sure about this?" NIall whimpered.

"We need to save Grace." Harry said before charging in to attack.

"Idiot." I mumbled, shaking my head and bringing my sword up to battle.


I lost track of the others soon after the battle started. The guards were very well trained and it made my worry spike when I realised how much I was struggling. True, I had four against me which was unfair to judge myself on but there were at least ten guards. that meant that at least two of my friends were fighting against two themselves and with little training. My sword was constantly clashing with claws and on a few occasions teeth, both sweat and blood fell into my eyes obscuring my vision. My muscles, strained from the earlier battle, are shaking with the effort of continuing this fight.

A yell came from my left and I turned to see if I could help, a bad idea. Seconds later I felt a sharp pain on my left temple and darkness descended.

One direction adopted a vampire (slow updates)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя