Take 1

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"Common sense everyone. A certified fan should've known better. It's obviously not Jack who captioned that, commented nor replies back via Facebook, Twitter or even on Instagram. Must be his admins on FB. But definitely not on his IG. BECAUSE let's get real people, the way every sentences were constructed was obviously how a woman replies back. Like duh. Too defensive. And to be honest, talked back like a bitch. And people, we all know Jack is a very shy person. He doesn't even talked that much. Ring a bell?" - @herunrequitedlove101

"Truth. I noticed that too. For Jack to rant and just tag his "so called haters-slash-fans" was such a pussy move don't cha think people? xoxo" - @JadelineLover

"It's his so called "trying-hard-partner-in-crime" everyone. 100% sure about that! I bet all my Pandora's possessions!" - @queenB

"Hey! But if it was really her... does that mean... that... omg! Are they official now?! Omaygawd... be still you stupid heart!" - @4betteror4worst

"It's obviously her. They are partners in crime. They always say that. A lot. And they are together (literally! *squeals*) for like 24/7 and they share gadgets I might add. *wink, wink* Anyways, it's kinda sweet, like a real couple. Hopia again. Haha!" - @wljd_sg143

"What's so sweet about that, huh? If it's really her... she's acting like a freaking jealous bitch over someone who's not even her boyfriend. Hello?? You know what i mean. Don't be possessive girl... you don't have ANY RIGHTS. Ciao." - @myloveforJack

"Crazy possessive bitch. She's not even Jack's type for God's sake. Acting like his girl already? Wake up girl, you're not even beautiful. You're just another look-alike version of Katarina. Without Jack, you'll always be the starlet-slash-extra for the rest of your pathetic career."- @angelicbae

"Reading again?"

I was cut off by Jazz' voice. My bestfriend. I hurriedly got up and walked over to my bag laying on the top of my vanity table.

"How long have you've been here?" I asked her while quickly putting my tablet inside my bag. Trying to hide it from her sight as if she hadn't caught me reading through it a while ago.

"Sorry I didn't noticed you." I whispered. And now, I can actually feel her eyes on me. Burning holes at the back of my head.

"You didn't answer my question." I can imagined her worried face, I can hear it in her voice. It's like she can feel my pain. "Well?". She asked again.

I sighed. I looked down on the floor. Biting my lip because I know anytime soon I can hear my own sobs filling in the room. I fight back the urge to cry, to be fragile, to be weak. Again. But it's hard. So hard.

Then suddenly, I felt I was being pulled in for an embrace. It's Jazz. It's her way of comforting me. Wrapping me in her arms through silence. No words needed. She knows me very well. She knows that's what I needed right now. A friend. A true one.

She held me for a good couple of minutes but for me it felt like hours. And then she unwrapped her arms and stepped back a little. She held my hands and asked  "Feeling okay now?".

I just nodded.

"Great!" she smiles. Jazz is like that. Every now and then, she lights up the mood after our 'moments'.

She  clapped her hands like a kid on a summer vacation. She's so bubbly and I'm not gonna lie, we may be best friends but we are so totally different. Her being the lovable one and me... just being me. I smiled and sighed.

"Thank you Jazz. I smiled at her. "So grateful to have you in my life."

Jazz' looked at me with her eyes softened but then it slowly widened as if she remembered something. She starts fidgeting with her nails which means she's nervous as hell. I crossed my arms. Ugh, I already know this.

"Who?" I asked.

She looked at me with her big as saucers eyes. Then whispered... "You knew?"

I sighed.. Not again.

"Yes Jazz. Who is this time?" I began tapping my foot on the carpet. Now Jazz looks like a kid caught by her mother eating sweets at night. Tho I'm sure no one can stop her from eating midnight snacks in real life.

"What? This time?" she looked so clueless. 'Really Jazz?' I thought to myself.

"Jazz.. who is this time? Who you set me up this time?" I put my best 'don't you dare' look at her.

She gasped and held her chest while pretending to look all hurt. "Babe, that hurt. I wouldn't! Where you'd get that crazy idea from?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"It will probably be the 7th time if my memory is still working right. And if my guess is the same of what you had plotted this time."

"Lucky number 7..." she muttered.

"I heard that." I said.

Okay... Here we go again... Let the explanation-slash-rambling begin.

"Noo babe! No, no.. it's not like that! I didn't. Didn't set you up this time! Jeez, calm your nerves girl. Why would you even think of that. Am I like that? And-and... I just... I just talked to our management!"  she said, finally completing her speech.

I wonder if she have actually breathe throughout the whole time she's speaking. But one thing caught my attention from all her stuttering.

"The management?"

"Yes... Them! I nicely asked them if it's possible to reschedule some of your tapings."


"BECAUSE... we're gonna have some Seoul-searching girl!" she squealed, held my hands and jumped like a little cute 5 year old. Seriously.

"What?" I frowned. I was surprised. She saw my reaction and her smile slowly fades. She looked worried now.

"Um... surprise?" she said.

And then she hurriedly added, "Oh my God! I am soo sorry girl. I just wanted to surprise you! I just want you to have a memorable birthday week!".

I was speechless.

Jazz continue. "My intentions are good. You know, I'm such a nice friend right. You should make me a monument. Haha."

Damn how can I be so lucky to be her best friend? And just like that I realized I haven't made any plans on anything that I will do this year for my birthday.

"And did they agree?" I have to ask because I'm not really sure.

"O.M.G. Y-E-S~" she sings... then chatted away... "And you're off the hook for a week. A week! Can you believe it? Yay for us... and well... isn't Jazzmine Prescott pretty awesome? I should pat myself on the back.. really" she winks.

"Pretty amazing. How did you do that?" I hugged her and whispered... "Thank you"

"Maybe it's my natural charms, I'll thank my parents later. And you are always welcome!"

Suddenly, I remembered something and pulled back.

"Wait... if you did not set me up, again, why did you reacted when i said 'who'?"

She fidgets again. Then looked on the floor.

"Well... I actually asked someone to go Seoul-searching with us you know.."

"And it's a guy." I said matter of fact.

"Yeah, it's a guy... actually, my childhood friend." she said nervously.

I arched my brow. Then crossed my arms again.

"What's the catch?" asking her for complete answer this time and she knew I'm deadly serious this time.

"Um... Maddie.. There's no catch."


"Say something."

Silence again.

Jazz expatriates.. "Okay, okay... he's kinda crushing over you."

There you go.


City by Sara Bareilles

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