Take 4

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I feel the warmth of the sun hitting on my face, I groan. Feeling a little too warm, I opened my eyes and saw Julienne lying on top of me. Her eyes still closed. But I know her better.  She's not so good at pretending  to be innocent. It's obvious she's not sleeping anymore. I gently shook her shoulders.

"Good morning" she muttered and still snuggled to my bare chest.

I scowled. Looking at how the sun was already set, I know it's not morning anymore and definitely not a good one. I hissed.

"Seriously Julie, what time is it?"

"It's time for some loving babe.." she started kissing my bare chest. I groan from frustration. I tried pushing her away. She sat up pouting. She looks so cute with that face but I'm not in the mood. I feel terrible from drinking too much after we left the bar. Julienne reached something from the nightstand. She lifted it and I saw her phone. She looked at it and then showed it to me then. The moment I saw the time, i sat up quickly. Too quickly my head hurts right away!

"UGH!" I feel like someone pounded my head and its about to explode!

"Wait here baby, I'll bring you some medicine for your hangover." Julie stood up making her way to the bathroom. I closed my eyes, calming myself from the throbbing feeling from my head. I hate hangovers. Then I heard Julienne talking.

"J, I just got a call from Ronnie, she's looking for you. I guess they already know we're really together." I know she's smirking 'coz I can hear it from the way she spoke.

"What did you just said?"

Heard some shuffling of things inside the bathroom.

"Got it!" Julienne shouted. "Why is your medicine cabinet looked like that?" Julie then came towards me holding a glass of water and handing me a pill. I took it.

Then I remember Ronnie called so I asked Julie again.

"What did you say to her?"

"Well, I said, you are still here with some hangover. Don't you worry. I can tell that she's not even mad that you're missing from work. I guess they changed your schedule."

"Changed it without informing me?" I asked incredulously.

"Maybe she called to actually inform you, duh." Pinching my cheek "You are so adorable" She's trying to be cute again.

I just looked at her. Then she speak again.

" So... Jack, Cam's waiting for me in the lobby. He will take me to my mom's. And by the way mom was asking me to have breakfast with her. Umm.. if you wanna tag along, she won't mind. I'm sure she'll be happy meeting you!"

"Nah." I don't like meeting the parents thing. I want a little less drama right now.

"She'll love you. She ships us." she looked so hopeful. I sighed.

"Julienne, you do know this thing with you and me was just a casual fuck right? We agreed to it from the very beginning." I reminded her.

Julianne look straight into my eyes. I look back at her. I saw her eyes getting teary. Ugh, I hate when girls always hope for some serious relationship. It annoys me big time. So I stand up and look for my shirt. Saw some of her clothes near the door so I picked up her jacket and held it to her. She harshly snatched it away from my hand.

"I can't believe you!" She said while putting her jacket on. "We like each other. Why can't you just stop denying it?!" She's starting pacing in front of me.

"Am I not enough for you? Am I just a flavor of the month to you?" tears starting to fill her eyes.

"Julienne.. not this again. You are beautiful. You know that right. Yeah, I like you too but that doesn't mean we need to have a relationship right now. It's not going to work. We are on the same industry. Of all people, you probably should know that." I wanted to slap myself for choosing those words.

I hear her say.. "Just like mom and dad..." she glared at me.

She became silent. Then suddenly she pushed me so hard, I almost stumbled backwards. She's freaking out.

"You know what, you're just scared! You're scared that if the whole world knows about our 'secret relationship' your career would fall apart. Right?!  It's not about you being afraid of commitments because you have a stable relationship before this freaking stardom you are experiencing right now. You're just afraid to lose all these. The fame, the luxuries, your 'minions'.. and your too perfect partner in crime!" she's almost screaming. I almost cringed with her mentioning my on screen partner. She doesn't need to dragged Maddie every time we argue. I hate this drama. I walk towards the balcony and said.. "You know the way out. Be safe."

After a while, I heard her stomping out of the room and then the door slammed.

Why does she like making things so complicated? I thought.

I began doing my daily routine then settled down to my bed and started calling our director, Ronnie. After 2 short rings, she then picked up my call.

"Jack! You're up. How's your hangover? Too much partying eh?" She seems cheerful.

"Nah. I actually drank here after we left the bar."

"We..." she said then went silent. Then she speaks again..

"So why did you call? I thought I said to Julienne that you're off the hook with today's taping."

" Yeah, she told me." Brushing off the thought that someone knows about me and Julie. "But can I ask why so sudden change of schedule?"

"Um... well, there's some issues right now that the management were handling." Talking like she's carefuly choosing her words. Then I remembered how rude I was last night and how Julie kissed me in public. I asked Ronnie...

"Is it about me?" I prayed not.

"Of course not! Where did you get that idea. Um, unless you did something.. did you?" She's trying to trap me.

"Well... you know how rumours fly in this industry Ronnie."

"Oh well... just a little bit favor and don't tell this to Madz okay? You know she's been acting a little bit different these days. She seems sad." she said lacing worries with her voice. She continued. "Just be sure to be here tomorrow because we are going to work non-stop for 3 days."

"3 straight days?!" I almost shouted.

"Yep, we need to adjust. The management gave Maddie a weeklong vacation. And we should just complete her scenes while she's still here." Ronnie explained.

I was surprised. "Vacation? A week?"

"Yes Jack. Just don't complain please. She needed that. She needs peace of mind from all the work, rumors and haters. I think she's going through depression. So let's just give her that. Anyways it's her birthday this week."

I slapped my head. How come I forgot Maddie's birthday. It's next week and I don't even have a gift yet.Something Ronnie said come to my mind... 'she's going through depression'. Is she? I didn't even noticed that. She's been too quiet sometimes but she still smiles every time we are together. I was in deep thought when I was cut by Ronnie's voice.

".. J? Jack still there boy?" Ronnie said.


"Oh I thought the call was cut off. You're not talking. Anyway what I've said is that don't be late coz Maddie's flight is on Sunday. Right after our taping. "
I was really in a deep thought. What gift this time? I asked myself. Still I heard Ronnie continued to talk.

"...So that's it Jack, we understand now that no more excuses to be not on set this time, aye? Let's do this for her birthday alright?" she said.

"Of course. For her." no more question asked.


Closing Time by SemiSonic

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