Take 15

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"As in your Julienne?"

I almost choke on my beer.

"What?" Brad looks really confused right now. I forgot their names sounded the same.

"She is not 'my' Julienne and no it's not her. They are not even friends."

"Oh okay. So who's that Julienne, new bff?"

"What the hell!" I almost shout.

It boils my blood to think Maddie and Julian being best of friends. No way that's gonna happen. That's my place. Ugh.

"Calm your tits brother" Brad is trying not to laugh but it's obvious from his crinkling eyes.

"You're getting on my nerves." I said through my gritted teeth.

"Haha! I know, I know. And I already remember now. That Julian as in the guy who commented on Madz IG post right?" I didn't answer. I don't even want to think about that guy.

"Wow. I never thought Maddie would trust herself  to be alone with a new friend. What is it like, just a week vacation? I should talk to our baby girl about the birds and the be...." I cut him off with my middle finger. It made him laugh hysterically. He's really messing with me right now. But I know he just wanted to lighten up the mood but its not really helping. Instead it keeps me even bothered. Maddie is alone with that guy she just met? And she's staying with him? No way.

"What?" Brad says. "Maddie should know that. You know for safety measures," He even have the guts to wink at me. I grabbed the nearest light object I can reach and then throw it at him. He dodged it and raised up his hands in the air surrendering.

"Chill man! I'm just joking. Maddie is a smart girl. You worry too much." It didn't stop him from laughing and what he said made the scowl on my face deeper.

"Staying alone with a new guy friend you only met less than a week in a different country is not a smart idea Brad." Rolling my eyes. "What was she thinking?"

Brad tapping his phone and then shows a picture to me. "See? He looks harmless."

"Who's that." I asked.

"It's Maddie's new best friend! Hahahaha!"


"Get your God damn phone out of my face." This guy! Ugh

"Hahaha! Joking man! Just joking. You're funny. It's like you are PMSing right now. Should I buy you some tampons? Wouldn't mind getting it for you bro."

"Why are you even looking at that guy's wall huh?"

"Because I wanted to check if he posted a photo of him and Maddie being cozy together. It'll be more fun if it's video."

I wanna kill this dude. Seriously.

"Woah! You gonna kill me with your death glares bro? Haha. Don't worry Jack, no posts and I doubt he'll brag about it. It'll affect Maddie's career."

I stayed quiet. I remember what happened earlier at the elevator.

"Jazz... said the same."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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