Take 11

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"What exactly are you looking for sir?" the guy at the pet shop asked.

I didn't answer back. I just keep looking. Walking away from him to check the cages.

"Sorry bro. He's just PMSing right now. Thank you for assisting us anyway. I think we'll tell you if he found what he's looking for." I heard Brad said to the sales guy. After awhile, I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

"What?" I said.

"Woah. Bro, you look pissed off." Brad said.

"Well I'm 'PMSing' right?" I walk away. Heard him chuckled.

"J! I'm just kidding. Haha. Don't take it to the heart. And by the way, what exactly are we looking for? I thought you don't have time for pets?"

"It's not for me." I said, still looking at the cages.

"Ah! Gift. For your little sister? What's the occasion? She's graduating soon?"

"Not for her." I feel uneasy now.

"Woah. So for who?" I look at Brad this time. He looked confused and worried. "Don't tell me it's for Jul.."

I mouthed "Maddie".

"WOAH! Really?! I almost thought you're gonna give it to Julianne!" Brad almost shouted, I slapped his arm.

"Keep your voice down!" I said.

"Oops. Sorry bro."

"What the hell were you thinking? Someone might hear. Ugh." I almost face palmed myself. "And why on earth will I give Juls a dog?"

"Well, I don't know. You two seems pretty cozy these days you know. And Juls being so clingy. Thought you two gonna give it a shot." He shrugged.

"And why would I do that? My team up with Madz will jeopardize."

"Yeah, but when you have feelings for a girl, I know no one can stop you from telling it to the world."

"What?" I'm getting confused.

"I mean, if you have feelings for Julie, I think you have the guts to give up your love team with Ma-..." I cut him off right away.

"That's never gonna happen. I wouldn't give up what I have with Maddie no matter what. And who the heck said I have feelings for Julie?? Bro, I thought you already know me. Geez." I walked away. But Brad kept up with my phase.

" Well, I know you. To be honest I always thought you have some feelings for Madz but you just haven't realize it yet." I look at him so fast. Maybe shock can be seen all over my face. I can see it from the reflection on his green eyes.

"Are you on drugs?" I asked. "You've been saying hilarious things since I asked you to come here with me."

"Well my friend. You look hilarious when you're looking in every cages here. Even more funnier when I said the 'feelings' thing. Lol." He coughed. "Guess someone's in deniaaal" he sang.

"Whatever." Trying to shrugged off his 'ideas'. It's kind of bothering me.

"Kidding aside bro. Why will you buy her a dog? Doesn't she have like 2 already? Beefsteak and Uno? Plus the cute cat." Brad said.

"Well, adding one more won't hurt her. Besides, she loves dogs. She'll love it."

"You don't even know what breed you're looking for." He argued back.

"I wanted to find a dog that resembles me." The moment I realized what I've said.... "Oh shit!" Brad started laughing.

"Geez man!" Laugh.
"For real?!" Laugh.
"You cheesy man!" Laugh.
"And you're denying the 'feelings' thing awhile ago!" Laugh.
"I knew it." He started wiping off some tears from him eyes.

Behind the scenesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora