Take 3

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"Pink or blue?" I show my 2 eye shadow powder to Jazz who seems thinking too hard. She then clapped her hands.

"Oh I know! Both!" she smiling with her chin up.

"Both?" I asked making sure I heard her right.

"Yes both!"

" You mean..."

"Pink on the right and blue to the other one! It's perfect!" Clapping her hands again with her brilliant idea.

"I'm not sure..."

"Of course you're not. But I am a hundred percent sure! You can pull this girl, I'm telling you! Let me." Jazz said reassuring while gathering some brushes she needs for her experimentation.

"Well Jazz, maybe you should pull that look instead of me. I'm not beautiful as you." I explained then she shut me up by putting her hand in front of my face. I frowned.

"Shuush!" she began damping some foundation ona my face. "Thank you for stating the fact that I'm beautiful." My frowned deepened while she smiles. "But hey, you are beautiful too Maddie. How many times do I need to tell you that?" I went silent. Thinking some of the comments I read about me being not even beautiful.

"I know what you're thinking Madz" she said while looking straight into my eyes. "Don't mind them. They are tons of jealous bitches who just wanted to be in your position. And believe me when I say you are beautiful for the millionth time okay?"

"You're just trying to make me feel better but anyway thank you" I said sincerely.

"O hush dear. I'm just telling the truth. We're sisters by heart and soul that makes us pretty gorgeous. And if your not beautiful how come you have stolen my very choosy childhood friend's attention huh?" malice dripping out in her every word.

"Sisters.. by heart and soul." I'm smiling... "Maybe your friend just like my role characters"

"Oh no, he doesn't really watch television alright. Not even my shows!" she's whinning again. "And yet he watched all of your freakin movies, dramas, music videos and he even knows your dialogue in your commercials. What a creep." rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, he sounds like one. Well Jazz, don't you think it's gonna be like so awkward that you already spilled his um..." I'm trying hard to come up with the next appropriate word..

"Obsession" Jazz said.

"Wh-What?" I choked my own words.

"Oh don't what me Madz, and stop being so naive and too humble. It made me looked like so liberated you know what i mean? He's obsessed to you alright." she laughs

"I am not naive! Not at all. And I was about to say 'secret' not obsession!"

"Even so... Oh! And by the way he's so head over heels babe. You know, he even asked if you really have feelings for Jack. Poor boy."

"What did you say?" I blurted out.

"Of course I tell him no. Haha" she then stopped laughing then look at me with her speculating eyes "You don't have any romantic feelings towards him.. right?"

"Of course I don't" I said. 'Do I?' I thought.

"Well that's great. Because from what my friend's been acting lately, he sure as hell that he's about to swept you off of your feet sooner than later."

"Thanks for telling me all of his plans girl. So much for a childhood friend you are." insert sarcasm there.

Whinning. "Heeey! But you are my bestfriend. You're much more important to me in any way. And Madz, could you please just shut up cause imma do some magic to your eyes right now. Where gonna bang that Halloween party tomorrow I'm telling you! Now, just shut your eyes please."

Once I closed my eyes, she started talking but no words registered to my brains after she said those "swepting off thingy"...

"...that will be a hella week for the three of us. And Maddie, just be sure to thank him for this trip. You know.. without him talking to his uncle, this vacation will never be possible in the first place."

Curiousity strikes.

"Who's his uncle?" I said.

"Sir M." that's what I heard. I peaked through my right eye.

"Mr. M... as in....?" I think my brain just buffers .. then realization dawns upon me. I jumped back. I almost ruined my make-up. I heard Jazz hissed.

"No way!"

"Yes way."

"The CEO" we said together.

"You're kidding." I said while looking from her to the mirror. I saw my refection. I then gasped. I saw her smiled proudly.

"Well?" She's definitely waiting for compliments.

"You did good!" Smiling broadly. She smack my shoulder lightly.

"You meanie! What good? I did GREAT!" she brags. Truth to be told, she is talented. She can do anything. If her stylist knew about her skills, he'll be jealous.

"Imma take a pic and gonna post it on IG! You're gonna rock Seoul with your Harley Quinn look!"

Snapping pictures. She put her arms around my shoulders then lifts her fone, angling us. She snaps a photo of us. She showed it to me while captioning it with "Me and my gorgeous bestie."

Then I remembered her friend and began asking again.

"So your friend is the boss' nephew?" I asked keeping my face void of emotion.

"Nope. He's not really "a nephew". He's kinda.. well, a son. Yep that's it. A son from a family friend. They are not blood related." she seems uneasy.

"Why do I feel like your hiding something from me? And you sure looked like you're also not convinced from your own explanation." I giggled. "Sure he's your childhood friend?" Crossing my arms.

"Madeline, it's not my story to tell." looking all too serious. "But I can assure you, they are not blood related and he's really my childhood friend. He kinda help me with my career. I met Mr. M because of him." she added. "And he's obsessed over you" laughing all over again.

"You already said that. But I'm not buying it."

"Well then, just read the first comment on our picture on instagram now. Look who's all excited to meet you." Handing me her fone.

I saw our picture Jazz' recently uploaded a while ago with 8k likes and a hundred comments but the very first comment captured my attention.

"Beyond gorgeous. Can't wait for next week. See you beautiful." - @julianj


Lovestruck by The Vamps

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