Take 14

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"Are you even listening to me? Can't you understand the situation? That guy! He's gonna steal everything from you!"

"That's impossible." I whispered.

"How the hell would that be impossible? Tell me hijo? How?" my manager said.

"Just because." I said.

Archie is getting exhausted talking to me. I can tell with his reddening ears and his face looks like tomato now. Should prepare myself before it explode.

"Jack what's happening to you? Don't you realize what will happen to you if that guy starts to enter in the picture? You will lose everything. Everything!" Archie explained slowly while using hand gestures like im some kind of 5year old boy. Though, I couldn't care less, I'm so distracted. So I just nod. I think it made my manager even more pissed.

"Why are you acting like that?!" he finally shouted.

I don't know. I'm seriously so distracted. Everything that's happening, it's just, too much. I'm overthinking things. And it's not even related to what Archie was talking about. My mind keeps going back to what happened earlier and it's still bothering me.

"Jazz, where's Maddie?" I asked.

I happened to pass by the south wing elevator lobby of the company building just for a change a while ago when I saw Jazz waiting there. At first I thought it's not her because I was sure that they will be home by tomorrow. Not tonight.

"..uh, oh.." was all she replied looking like a deer caught by a wolf. I wonder why.

"Jazz.. are you okay?" She nods.

"Okay then, so where is she? You're already here and Madz didn't even inform me that your flight is tonight. She didn't even texted me. I could have offer you both a ride home."

"Thanks but we have our own cars you know." She said matter-of-fact.

"Yeah.." I said.

I continued. "So Jazz, did Maddie went straight home? I actually thought your vacation will end tonight and you'll be back home tomorrow."

"Aaah. Yah." She's really weird right now. Must be the jet lag.

"Yah to what? That you're flight was earlier than what was planned or she went straight home?"


"Jazz stop saying Yah!" I hissed. "That's the second time you said 'yah', it's confusing."

"Oops sorry!" She still didn't answer my question. She's testing my temper, I know.

"I've been asking you where is Maddie and you keep saying Yah. Where the hell is she? She okay? Not acting weird like you?"

"I am no weird. You ass."

"Yeah, yeah weirdo. Where is she?"

"She's in Korea, ass."

"Stop calling me ass."

"But you're an ass."

Then I realized what she just said.

"She's in Korea?!"

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