Take 7

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I winced again by the sound of his voice. Seriously, can't he noticed that I'm not deaf? No. Not at all.

"For the nth time hijo, what were you thinking?!" my manager told me.
He covered his face with his hands like his trying to calm his nerves. Then he sighed. That was deep. And it's scary. The moment he withdraw his hands from his face, he look at me dead serious. I gulped. I really messed up this time.

"We are trying to work things out with this 'fan-of-yours' Jack. But we can't find who he was. The moment he reveal this incident, we're gonna need a major damage control here. I wished you realized the consequences of your every action Jack before you behaved like that. " he explained.

Don't get me wrong. I love my career. I've said it a million times but I hate it when everyone controls me. Like even you have done so many good things, they even praised you but with just one minor mistake, it's like you're an instant criminal in their eyes.

My manager keeps talking. How can he do that, is he even breathing? But as much as I hate listening all over again with his speech, I just can't. It's just for the plain reason i said before, i am not deaf. If only I could shut down my hearing sense.

"It's like that guy-" i cut him off. I wanted to voice out my side.

"Gay" I said.

"A gay is still a guy. Man Jack. Man. Just don't use your smart mouth on me right now cause I am freaking frustrated what will happen to you the moment that guy comes out and tell the world about you and Julie." He said.

"Well, it's my career though Archie. And my life. That guy invade our privacy and besides our fans are solid. They'll never believe that. As long as we deny it, we can escape the issue and-" I stopped the moment I saw my manager's glare on me. What did I say?

"Solid? Yes! You definitely have solid fans. And solid haters too!" he said. His exhausted I can tell.

"You know what, I'll tell the management that you and Julie will handle this incident the moment this issue surfaces in media. Pray that there will be no photos. As much as you're good at denying, just one photo of the two of you together lip locking, I assure you, your career will turn 360 degrees down. Believe me on that." he said, packing his things. He must be really tired of me messing around again and again. He continues, "Two scenarios Jack. Good and bad. Bad.. if the fans hated you. And the good thing, if you're fans love you sincerely and not just your love team with Maddie. If so, they'll understand your relationship with Julie. And who knows if the impact of the issue will break your love team with Maddie..." I winced with the idea. "Maybe the management will pair the two of you with other. You never know, they might consider  Maddie pairing up to another guy."

'Maddie pairing up to another guy.' I scowled at the thought.

Archie continued.

"And I'm sure you and Julie will be the next love team... Well that is if the management decided to keep up with your behavior J." he said. "Hope the next time you do something silly, try to think the consequences first okay?" Then he stood up and walks towards the door. But before he left he said something else.

"Be sure not to drag Maddie with this mess. She doesn't need this." Then he's gone.

I hated the fact that everything I do, it seemed like I betrayed Maddie or something like that. She is my bestfriend. Can't they seperate real and the reel thing. I hate it when they make Maddie looked like someone with one sided love for me while I'm the arrogant cold hearted ice king in town. Wake up people, Maddie and I are friends. Best of friends. Don't make her look so pathetic every time I go out clubbing and flirting with other girls. It's not like I'm cheating on her.

'So, if she went out clubbing... you won't mind if she starts flirting with other guys?' I heard myself said.

"No way" I hissed.

Yes we are not in a relationship but the thought of her flirting with other guys just makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't want to imagine her lip locking with random guys. Its not just right. She's a girl. Me and her clubbing were totally different issues.

"Knock knock" I heard someone said. I turned my head and saw Brad leaning the doorway. "Deep thoughts?" He asked.

"Yeah. Haven't heard the door opened mate. Sup?" I stood up and went to the mini fridge next to the nightstand. I got his favorite drink and throw it at him where he catches it with no effort at all.

"Just wanted to hangout. I heard Maddie was out of town." He said.

"More like out of the country. She's with Jazz." I informed him. Then I saw the look on his face.I was confused. "Why?" I asked.

"Just the two of them?" Brad said before drinking his energy drink.

"Madz said she and Jazz were going Seoul-searching thing." He shrugged.

"Oh, I just thought of something. Did she say where they're gonna stay?" Brad placed his drink at the dining table then look through his phone.

"Nah. Maybe they'll already booked a hotel room for a week. That's what we supposed to do right? Why'd you ask by the way?" I was curious of what he's getting at.

"I just thought of  Jazz' posts. She recently uploaded.. just a minute ago. It's a photo of her and Maddie. It captioned 'Me and my soulsister in Seoul searching mode'. I then looked through my own phone and saw Jazz' post. There is nothing unusual about that post.

"So?" getting bored already.

"Well it's nothing. I'm just curious about the tags. She tagged Madz, herself and some guy." Brad shrugged.

I clicked the photo and saw the tags. Then I clicked the other person that was tagged. It went straight to the guy's profile. And saw the latest pic that the guy posted yesterday.

The setting was in a forest and there's Maddie looking up. He captioned it,

"I never believed in fairies. Until I met you yesterday."

"She didn't mentioned that they're hanging out with someone else." I said. I was surprised. And I don't know what to feel.

"Maybe she doesn't want you to know."

"And why is that?" I glare at him. What the hell?

"You may be her partner in crime, but you're not her boyfriend, so what's the point?" Brad said.

I hate it when he's always right.


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