Take 5

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I was cozily sitting playing with my phone when my instagram notification popped up.

"Hello there Maddie". @julianj

I stared at my phone screen for a minute to think of what I just read. That's when I felt someone at my back trying to look over my shoulder just to look at my phone. I quickly locked it. I looked up to the intruder and saw Jack.

"What was that?" he narrowed his eyes on me.

"Oh, nothing" pretending to look all bored with the topic.

"Nothing my ass" he said. "Why did you have to lock your screen like you're hiding something from me?" He is questioning me. He's thinking. And then I saw his eyes gleams mischievously. Oh no. Maybe he got an idea. I doubt he read it tho.

Now Jack, looking like he just solved the mystery points his finger to me and said, too loud for me. "You have a scandal?!" Almost everyone from our site landed their eyes on us with perking ears. I smacked Jack's arm and hissed.

"You're impossible!" then an idea popped up. "Don't be so loud J, they'll know!" acting to look like I was caught. But it was hard to hold in my laughter.

Jack's eyes gone wide. "YOU DO?!" well.. he obviously believed it. I'm a good actress then. I continue my Oscars award acting.

I smacked him again. "I said be quiet!"

"Really Madz... I-i never thought you... as-" he looks so adorable when he's uneasy. I wanted to continue my act but I can't hold it anymore. And just like that I burst out laughing. He was surprised and looked dumbfounded then realized I'm just messing with him.

"You little!" he began ruffling my hair.

I smacked his hands away. "No I'm not! You dimwit!" I teased back.

He then started to poke my sides and flashed me his devilish smile.

"Oh no.."

"Oh yes."

Before I could run away, Jack grabs my waist and tickles me to death. I was laughing my heart out and he seems to enjoy it. I felt like it's been so long since we tease each other like this. So carefree.

We were having fun when I heard camera click not too far from us. I backed away. I realized there's so many eyes watching us trying to give malice to everything. Insisting us to develop to each other as more than friends. Those people who actually started the wrong rumors that give false hope for our fans. I love my fans, never doubt that. But there are some fans that just wants us to be together and doesn't accept the fact that we never will be. That's why I look so pathetic waiting for Jack to notice me as they say. And I'm not even waiting. I'm happy of what we are. Don't need any more hidden relationship anyway. That's the only reason why I'm having depression right now. Then I saw Jack looked at me all worried.

"Maddie.. why'd you backed away?" he reached out for me but I flinched. Jack's eyebrows shot up. "What's wrong Maddie?" He sounded different, all worried.

"Nothing" was all I said before retreating. I left Jack there standing looking all hurt and clueless.

I was in the dressing room trying to ease my mind with each of my ear buds plugged in. I almost drifted from peacefulness when someone unplug the other bud and whispered in my ear.

"I brought you cheesecake. You can eat this later after your nap." Jack said. I open my eyes and saw him leaning down to meet my eyes. I smiled at him before closing my eyes again. I whispered 'Thank you'. I heard him pulling a chair. He then took the other bud piece and plug it to his left ear. We listened silently with our own playlist.


I'm so grateful that I haven't heard anyone complaining for the consecutive three-day-taping just for the sake of my weeklong vacation. Everyone's been so understanding.

"CUT!" director Ronnie shouts again. She scolds Jack for being so gullible with the last day of our hell week schedule.

"Jack stop being cute, alright!"

"I can't help it, it's in my genes!" he answers back. Everyone laughs.

"Now kiss me."

"Be serious J." I giggled and smacks his arm.

"What?" He is smiling. He points the photographer and said "Kiss daw". I laugh.

We are currently in a hugging position for the scene where we act as if its for a wedding photo shoot.

"Jack! You'll delay Maddie's flight!"

Jack snuggled at the crook of my neck. "I don't want her to go." he mumbles just only for me to hear. 

And then we kissed.

After so many cuts from all Jack's antics and jokes from the photographer for the scenes. We finally finished the 3-days sched. As for thanking them for being understanding I prepared a mini advanced celebration for my upcoming birthday. Besides I'm not here during the real one. Everyone seems happy with the food I brought. I even cooked 'Adobo' which is actually the trademark food from our television series.

I realized that my partner was nowhere to be seen. Just then, the cruise' lights went off. Everyone started singing happy birthday then something catches my sight, I saw Jack walking towards me holding a lighted cake with his hands all brimming with joy. My heart clenched with all the gratefulness I feel. Tears fell and I laugh. Jack places the cake on his right hand and then wipes my tears away with his hand. I looked up from him and see him smiling sincerely. I closed my eyes and pray.

'Thank you Lord for making my dreams come true. I know it's only been a year of helluva stardom but still thank you for letting me experience all of this. I'm so grateful. I only wish that I can find true happiness with all of what's happening with my life right now.' I opened my eyes and blow my candle. Everyone cheered and clapped their hands.

After my mini party and a surprise cake from Jack, I greet each one of the crew for a job well done and sincerely thanked them for being understanding. I am happy.

"Maddie, what time is your flight?" Jack said. I look at the time and answered him. "For about an hour."

"I could take you there." he offered. I shook my head. "Thank you Jack but I brought my car." I smiled. Jack then looks at me like his memorizing my facial features. I smirked.

"I know Jack. You're gonna miss me." I teased him. Jack suddenly pull out his phone then starts typing so quickly. After he's done, he grabbed my hand and lead me to my car. I hopped in and I'm kinda surprised when he also followed in. I raised my eyebrow. "Care to explain?"

"I'm taking you there. We still have an hour to hangout." he said while putting the seatbelt on me.

"In the car?" I chuckle.

Now, he raised his eyebrow. "Yes. Got a problem with that?" he asked and I laugh. For an hour, we just chat inside the car. When Tia, my personal assistant said it's time to go, Jack pulled me in for a hug. It was nice. Then he whispered..

"I'll miss you."


Kiss me by Ed Sheeran

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