Chapter 10

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I had to get up at 6 in the morning because their tour bus leaves at 8:40 and I have to get ready. I went into Chris's room to wake him up to tell him to get ready he turns back over in he's bed and went back to sleep "wake up or I'm going to pour water on you if you don't wake up." I say smiling. "OK" he says as he walked to He's bathroom. I go in to by room take and that a shower I put my hair in a cute bun . I put on my hoops and some lip gloss. I wore my Nike crop top some shorts and white sneakers I put in my nose ring too. I walk down stairs to see everyone. I saw Rock, Ray Ray,and Princeton they looked so sexy. I sat down on the couch and went on my phone "what's up cuz". Craig (prodigy) said hitting my head. " I got up and hugged him. "How you been?". I say smiling. " you?" He says "um I just got stabbed a few weeks ago and the person who stabbed me is still on the loose so I'm doing great." We both bust out laughing. Minute's went by and it was time for us to leave I hugged my mom and Alexis and left.

"Damn!!!look at that ass". I hear chresanto say from behind me I roll my eyes. I walk on the bus. At that point I realize I was going to be in this fucking tour bus for the longest with these boys. "YN your going to sleep in this room the rest of us well sleep in the back". Craig said "ard." I say and go into the room I put my bags on the floor and flopped on the bed and fell asleep. I was asleep for about a "Get up!" Somebody said I didn't even care to see who it was so tired. "Noo" I say turning away. "Guess you don't want nothing to eat." I look to see chresanto. I felt like cheesing so hard lol. I sat up"no I want some food". I say getting out the bed. "You get up for food tho ya fat ass." Chres says smiling. "Shut up I'm not fat". I say smiling. " I didn't call you fat I called your ass fat its a difference ". He says walking out the door I put on some jeans and walked out of the room. I sat down next to prodigy and rested my head on he's shoulder " why so sleepy." He said I lifted my head up and shrugged my shoulders."so what y'all want." Princeton said. "I want Wendy."I say "Ohh yea me too" Princeton say everyone else wanted McDonald's so me and Princeton started to walk to Wendy's " so what's ya name." Princeton says "Didnt Craig tell you that already?" I said confused "naw all he said was my cuz coming tour with us" we both started to laugh "YN" I say smiling. When we got to Wendy's it was super crowded so we decided to go to the mall food court. "Yo why they make this mall so damn big?" Princeton said I laughed. "Well its a lot of stores obviously." When we got to the food court I ended up getting Chick-Fil-A and he got two slices of pizza. "Oh so you from philly." "Yea" I said "you like it better than Atlanta?" "Yea kind of because I knew more people there and it's like way more drama here." I say taking a bite of my sandwich. "What you mean?" Prince says finishing his food. "Well I got into two fights already while I was here but I beat both of their asses up." We both laughed. "Let me have a bite of your sandwich" he said pouting his lips. "Alright take a little bit." I say. "Nigga you might as well ate the whole sandwich."I said laughing. I took a few more bits then I was done. "You ready to leave" he said "can you carry me to the bus I don't feel like walking". He smiles at me and I get on his back.
When we got back to the bus the boys were walking back to. "I looks like y'all had a good time." Chresanto said I blushed a bit.

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