Chapter 12

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Sorry for any mistakes :)

I wake up put on my tights and tink top and walk out my room I see everyone (but Chris ) fully dressed " so where yall going". I say." over a friend house you want come?" Princeton says. " naw I will stay here". I say sitting down on the couch."ard will be back at 12"craig says. I went to go get me a bowl of Captin Crunch "Chris you want some". I say."naw already ate". He says. We talked and watched TV for about a good 2 hours.

" are ma I'm going to roll my this jawn house real quick I'll me back". He says getting up. "Ard don't do no freaky shit." I say laughing. "Ard bye". He says walking out the door. "Bye".I went into my room watched spongebob and ended up felling asleep. I woke up to screaming and blasting music I put on my ripped jeans and keep my tink top on. I walk out to see Craig holding Princeton back and Chres screaming and yelling with Chris holding him back " What's going on!" I say confused. " Yo forget this!" Princeton yells and storms out. I walk out after him. "What the hell happened?". I say grabbing his arm. " Nothing ard". He says yanking his arm away. "Its obviously something." I say stopping him. "I don't know what's wrong." He says. "What do you mean you don't know." I say even more confused. "Can we just walk!" He says. "OK!" I say back causing him to smile a bit."soooo" he says "so wat". I say. " wat do you want to talk about - ". I say Princeton cut me off. " look there's a park." he say with a smile on his face. We go to the swing's "so how was your life in Atlanta." He says stopping his swing. I look away sitting my lip trying not to make eye contact be walk over to me and stops my swing "what's wrong?" He says. "Its just like ever since I went to Atlanta my life just fell apart my bestfriend died my brother died my step dad might of killed him a boy that I really liked and thought cared about be really didn't the one friend that I ever had that I cared to me I had to leave back in Atlanta my life is hell!" I could feel the tries running down my face all of the stuff I bottle was coming out and it made me feel even worse about myself. I look up to Princeton"I don't know what to do." I say. Princeton hugs me "Its going be alright everything happens for a reason something good will come out of it." He says. I smile at him and pulled him in to a hug "I love you!" I say and me and him laugh.

Princeton POV:
This girl is so sexy but I don't want stuff between us to get awkward. I mean I only met her like a month ago but I have feelings for her. That's why I got into a fight Chres because he was feeling YN on some other shit I guess you'll hear about later.I got jealous when they kissed at the party and they be flirting I just don't like that shit. But I didn't want to tell her that would be awkward.

This chapter was boring but I have some good ideas for the next chapter so vote if you like the story and shout out to that person who votes for my story and the 14 people that read it but my story is going to glow up watch leave feed back in the comment's ;)

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