4. Visitors and Viruses

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"Now that I'm rememberin' it, it was really creepy!" I say, unnerved, and shiver at the recollection of old memories.

"Well? Are you going to call him?" Paige cheeps, showing her intrigued self through a variety of stare downs and animated arm movements.

"I don't have a cellphone... Plus, ew! No way!" I shriek, and tuck my arms under my arm sockets.

"Now I wish I'd gone to the carnival with you! Damn sickness..." Paige grumbles under her breath, and I shoot her an 'are-you-serious' scowl.

"Firstly, no you don't. Secondly, it was a circus. Thirdly, Paige! Don't curse!" I wail, and push her shoulder slightly. She teeters on one foot before regaining her posture and jogging to keep up with my steady pace.

"Po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe." She shrugs her shoulders, and thrusts us inside as if my house was secretly belonging to her. Well, not secretly. If she owned my house, she would flaunt it in my face like no tomorrow. We kick off our shoes in the nearest closet, and shut the door behind us with a little extra umph,  hopefully signalling that we're home.

"I thought I heard voices." A rich, unfamiliar voice choruses off the walls. The source enters the room, and I'm pretty sure that the bottom of my jaw hits the floor, cause I hear a snap.

"J-Jackson?! What are you doing here?" I stammer, an alarmed expression taking over my previous blissful emotions.

"So you do remember my name!" He thrusts his hands on his hips, a smirk popping onto his lips. "I drove Paris home. She invited me in. Also, it's nice to see you too, Jenny."

"So you were the one that drove Paris to school this morning?" I blurt out before I can stop myself.

"Yup." He crosses his arms over his chest, displaying a miniature set of Kenny's muscular bulge.


What did I just think? There is no way, in my right mind, that I'll even admit that I've observed that about the one who shall remain nameless.

"Jackson? What's taking so long?" Paris calls from what I'd presume to be the kitchen, and quickly stalks after him. She halts in place when she sees my face, a flicker of suprise blooming across her complexion. "Jenny?"

"In the flesh. Why? Can't you recognize your own sister?" I say with a ping of sarcasm, and she glares at me from under her recently plucked brows.

"Why don't you wait for me in your room?" Jackson shifts his attention to Paris, and she slowly complies, hiking up the stairs. Jackson hastily comes back into our conversation, but not without giving me some questioning looks. "Uh, I gotta talk to you."

"What's so important that Paige can't be here to listen?" I deadpan, suddenly aware of his intentions to get rid of my buddy. I hear her quick intake of breath, and I force myself not to look at her, as hard as that may be.

"Trust me. You want to hear what I gotta say." He says, now stern, and switches his gaze uncomfortably between us.

When did a sophomore think that he can control who's in a conversation, especially one that's dominated by senior girls?

I give Paige a humorless look, which she seems to understand. She nods her head stiltedly and flees into the living room.

"What is it?" I say, trying hard to contain my curiousness.

"You're a tough girl, you know that? Most people back out after the first day." He chuckles gutturally, exposing a set of tiny, spaced out, white teeth.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I stare at his face, hoping that my perplexed expression gives off some of what I'm thinking.

"In band? Kenny's the only one that plays piano. Nuff said." He looks around warily, as if he's expecting Kenny to pop out at any moment and pounce.

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