13. Anger and Arguements

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"Psst!" I hiss, trying to be as discreet as possible. Mr. P doesn't seem to notice, as he continues to drone on and on about something pretaining to Darwin's Theories. "Psst!"

"What?!" Ariel whispers back, his face fuming with anger. He scoots over a smidgen, and puts his binder between us, huffing me away with his short intake of breath.

Mr. P slowly turns around, death seeping out of his eyes. He scours over us, willing himself to find the miscreant who thinks she can talk in his class. I lower my head, as to hide behind my books, effectively exempting myself from his wrath, as he simply passes over me, and continues to write on the board.

I harshly rip out a sliver of paper from my notebook, and scribble down my message.

'Ariel! Why aren't you talking to me?!'

I drop it over his binder, the Great Wall of Biology, and wait for a responce. I can hear the crinkle of the paper unraveling. He grunts quietly, tearing the paper to shreds and dropping it back over onto my side. Fragments of my carefully constructed note comes raining down, bits and pieces falling to ground next to my backpack. I grimace at him, clawing out another piece of paper, and scrawling down another message. 

'I know you don't care. I just need to talk to you!!!!'

I drop it reluctantly over the white errect folder, awaiting a dreaded tearing noise. It never comes, however. After a few seconds, he plops the crinkling paper back over on my side, leaning on his elbow.


Wow. How specific and descriptive, Ariel Herman. Bravo.

 'I'm sorry that Kenny punched you the other day. :( we're... not really friends anymore.'

'what? why not?'

'I don't know. I was going to ask you.'

'You'd think I know? I want him back as my friend just as much as you do. he's a good guy.'

'I know that!!! but we probably don't want him for the same reasons...'

'What d'ya mean?'


'Why can't you just admit you love him?'

'I don't!!!'

'Listen, there's something you should know. I was hoping that he'd tell you himself, but he iogaobg....'

"Ooo! What have we got here?" Mr. P harpoons me with his words, snatching the now tattered piece of paper from Ariel's hands. "Love letters? Mr. Herman, I thought you were better than this."

The class bursts into a fit of giggles, and he blushes a ketchup color.

"You too, Ms. Hernandez. Office. Both of you." He growls, pointing to the door. The petite, nerdy looking blonde closest to the door pips up, rising to her feet and opening the door for us. It's sort of her habit, now. Mr. P will yell at her if she doesn't open the door for whoever's leaving. Something about being modest in today's social class, and blah blah blah, stuff I don't know.


I clamber out of the room as fast as the piece of chalk is chucked out of his hand and at my back, barely grazing my shirt on the way out.

"I didn't know teachers were allowed to do that." I grimace at the floor, stealing glances over at Ariel every so often. He jams his clenched fists all the way down to the bottom of his gaping jean pocket holes, and zips his lips into a thin line. "I've got sent to the office more in this passed month than I have all my life."

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