Aaron wife Me?

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I woked up in a bed in Phonies drop ..
Then I forgot my memories A man came in I asked who is he He cried then I asked who am I and he told me everything. So I'm Lily jock and blah blah

I went out and introduced my self to everyone. Then I met a man with a hood and a strap on his eyes he looked familiar though He introduced himself as the stranger oh I told I listed my memories but only remember my childhood and teenager hood. Then he noticed the ring and asked if I was married I didn't know so I guess then I saw lilies and went to look at them he smiled and followed I told him the story when a boy name Aaron gave her some lilies then he looked shocked I didn't mind then the he closed my eyes and walked me to the Plaza where I saw a party when he let's me see I was surprised and they said welcome then The fan girls said "WE SHIP YOU AND AARON TOGTHER!" Then in a unison we said "sorry but I'm already married" then held out our fingers Then Dante said really yay I have an brother in law Then the fan girls smirked and said "what if  you guys where married together" Then I said " What nono I don't think so ladies" Then Aphmau looked at Aaron and mounted can I tell and he shook  his head hmm I wonder
Then Garroth and Lauerance said "Well Lily Jock-" Then Aaron interrupted saying " what Lily Jocks? Do you like lilies and did that boy that gave you lilies did he say you were his fallen water angel?" Then I told him yes.yes and yes." Then He told out the eye strap and he said "I'm your husband then I remember..
I said Aaron... it's you My memories of you it's back then I hugged him and he hugged me. The fan girls are like yayay!!! The ship once sunk now came back whoa who!
Dante is like OMG Aaron is my... wow..
Then we heard a thump and Aaron went and protected me Then Gene came took me from behind Aaron was yelling "No not again please not again"! Then the divine warriors flashed....

{Aphmau fanfiction}Dante's sister/ Aaron's wifeWhere stories live. Discover now