The Start Of a Mission

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I walked into the weaponry and picked up a gun. I took out the ammunition and set it on the table and took the now empty gun in my hand. I walked over a fileing cabinate and got the so called special bullets. I shoot something and it explodes. Just easy and simple. I don't know what the difference from a bullet covered in gasoline, but I guess it saves you trouble.

The door opened and Abby walked in. She looked glum and she looked me dead in the eye and sighed. I knew what that ment.

"Let me guess, we have another mission." I said putting the now loaded gun down into the fileing cabinate. It wasn't supposed to go there, but I didn't care.

"Well not just you and me, Anna to. I don't know why they put two sisters in the same mission, last time that went horribly wrong." Abby said clearly annoyed.

"Were not that bad, we just have our differences." I told Abby roleing my eyes.

"I just don't like how she gets all the attention and your nothing but invisible to your parents. She is star child that they always wanted because she past her final with a higher grade than yours. Why did you get a lower grade than her?" She said with curiosity laceing her voice. I sighed. She keeps asking this question over and over again. It gets annoying after a while. Me and Abby had to fake our scores, I knew I could ace that test but I didn't want to. I signed and gave her the same answer that I always did.

"She just got a better score, nothing I can do about it." Little did she know, I did it on purpose. She was the star kid, she was the jewel in my parents eyes. She had to get the better score. She certainly had to keep up what she was doing or else she wouldn't get noticed. And with that shell be at the bottom with me. I don't want that, because if she is at the bottom she'll figure out what I really do and won't approve, then my parents will know. It just creates a big mess. Though it won't be long before she finds out I'm a Cloaker, and that I've been one way before she even thought to take the test.

"Bullshit, I cry bullshit. You are the smartest agent that I know, you know many more languages, battle stagety that your sister could ever think of. Your a god damn Cloaker for crying out loud. You started training before her." She said, I could tell she was getting angery. She only swears when she's mad or really excited. I sighed and bent forward on the desk, how long does this conversation have to be.

I out my for arms on the desk and out my head down. A Cloaker, I knew I was a Cloaker she didn't have to bring it up. A Cloaker is an agent that has been training almost their whole lives, they have been through hell. Because the way they train is different. They train by actually doing what ever it is their training for. For example, if your training how to use a gun, they give you a real loaded gun and tell you to do what ever you think is right. People get hurt, some even killed.

Not a lot of people make it as a Cloaker, vary few make it out of training sane. Me and abby did though, we went through it together. We held each other so we didn't quit. It is a choice if you want to quit or stay in the Cloaker program. Me and Abby stayed, for our own good and our parents are people who like to have the best child.

"Looks like Annas new on the job. Oh the look on her face when she finds out your a higher placement than her, oh the joy it will bring. I can just imagine it!" She cheered, I looked up at the camera, she's almost here. Anna is my sister she has a different mom than I do that's why we're the same age. I'm the commander of my team. Abby got a lower score than me by two points but we still are partners. We don't like to take the test to seriously.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal Anna, she looked over at me and her eyes widened, I smirked at her. Her face paled. I knew why, she bragged to me for weaks about getting the better score. Well look at her now, im in charge.

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