The Punishment

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Alex P.O.V

I wouldn't last long. My hands were chained above me. I could feel my warm blood leak down my face. I was gagged, this wasn't torturing. It was a test, a test to see how loyal we could be to each other. To a fellow Cloaker. All Cloakers were expected to be loyall and trusting with each other. There were very few of us, almost all that go into training don't make it. We are each chosen carefully. Put into different category, the kind and soft, the rebellious and heartless. That's how this works. I knew Hoods deepest secret, he knew mine. God I hate that truth pill. It sucks ass.

Suddenly I couldn't breath. I pulled my self up with the strength I could muster and took a breath. I looked into Hoods eyes as I let myself down. He was scared I would tell, yet so was I. My fear surrounded my heart, echoed throughtg entire body. My veins felt as if they were on fire. Yet I didn't register that pain. Only the feeling.

There is a point after being beten that you go numb. If you don't give up. First you have to hit your breaking point. Abby hit hers a while back, I couldn't do anything to help. She was the for one of us to be strong, the first one to pass. She was amazing at anything she did. Smart beyond her ages. She was even amazing at being broken or shattered. It pissed me off sometimes but i was glad to have her as a partner.

She is the only reason I even passed the Cloaker program. I think. I heard a scream. The look of horror across Abby's face was enough to make me fight a little while longer.

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