This is absolute death.

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Alex P.O.V

Abby stayed quiet, I couldn't blame her. So far this mission is turning out to be just horrible. We can't keep delaying this. Now that I know that Clara is on my ass as well this won't turn out so good. I thought back to my parents.

I really don't remember what happened. That part of my life I don't remember. All I remember is Abby helping me out and training. Training everyday pushing me and Abby to our breaking points.

"If you give up this won't turn out so good for you agent 4." My instructor yelled. I was nothing but a number to them. I was on the floor in combat training. I got up and put up my defensive strategy. My opponent was taller and had dark black hair. He was number 6, last name Hood. I couldn't think of what his first name was. This is absolute death, I couldn't beat him. He had the advantage, the strength the height. Yet I could see the guilt in his eyes. Not a lot of men have the strength to just mercilessly beat a girl, especially one younger than him. To some men it just boosted their ego, I had a fight with him next week. He was number 8, last name Johnson. This was the end, that is how I truly felt. 

My body felt numb, I looked at the clock, I'm going on three hours fighting him. I know that's a long time. Before we fight we get a drug, gives us more energy, more power. My body was giving out on me. I couldn't control it. I need control. I can't lose control. I never lose control. 

This is what I told myself everyday, every night, and all day. I thought it would keep me strong, keep me from failing. I can't fail, I can't lose. But that day.... that day I couldn't handle the feeling. The feeling of not being able to win, to heal, to be okay. All my will had slipped away from me. That day I slipped into my mind and let my body take control. I was no longer in control. I took the balance of mind and instinct into play, I didn't care if I lost. All I cared about was gaining my control back. That drug kept my mind awake, it was up to me to keep my body going. 

Hood looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. I knew what he saw, my eyes turned black. Very rarely did they do that. It only happened when I felt  really strong emotion and i couldn't control it. I got that from my mother. I looked at him and threw my fist while he was caught off guard. Right in the throat. All I had for me was speed, and my best friend yelling that I could keep going, Abby yelling at the top of her lungs pushing me to keep going. I listened to her voice and only her voice. It was hard, so many people were yelling. That was the beginning of us trusting each other with each others lives. 

I listened to her tell me that is was okay to lose the little control I had. To just use my instincts, but also put my head into it. And that's what I did. Suddenly I took a blow to the right of my face, two seconds later in my gut. I was knocked to ground once more. No air was flowing into my lungs. I was drowning, drowning without water. This are the only things I remember, the fights and Abby. I could never remember my parents. 

At that moment it was different, my mom slipped into my mind. One memory had cost me the fight. Hood, one look at the girl he had knocked down had cost him the fight as well.  I stood up. The bell rung, the same damn bell  that rang when one person had been knocked out. For a second I thought I was dreaming and Hood really did win, and I just so desperately wanted to win that I dreamed that I was awake. I looked to my left and saw a girl with blond hair, Abby. 

Black dots danced across my vision. My body swayed. Don't fall. Abby tried to help me but I shook her off. 

"You two are to be punished! If you do not take these training's seriously You will never succeed. Wait in the aid room, I will talk to you in private." Our instructor yelled.  Hood and I waited. I looked up and saw Abby talking to Hemmings, they disappeared into the bathroom. What happened between me and Hood, got me into a lot of trouble with his girlfriend. 

The one and only Clara Dallas. 

Not much to say, Thanks for reading. Not edited. 


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