Well here goes nothing.

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I got home late that night. I read the file that I had gotten from Anna. We were supposed to go to Australia and pretend to be troubled teens that are in juvenile detention. Well I've been there before with Abby down in new York. But that time we were actually caught by the police on a mission. We were supposed to get caught on purpose.  But why are we going so far? I really don't want to.

Once we're out of juvenile detention we go to school undercover for the other side. And train for them every day that they call us in. Looks like I have to call an old friend named Jade. She works for the other side. Its technically called the bell group. Bell stands for rebel. Don't ask me how they got that name. I guess it could work as an under cover name but still, bell, really? Well any way back to Jade, she isn't loyal to the bell group. So she helps me out once in a while. Let's she what she can do for me now.
I walked into the house and was greeted by four such happy looking faces. Please note my sarcasm.

"Since when are you a Cloaker?" My father said in commanding voice. Oh great Anna already told them everything. I looked at my little brother. He was only 9 months younger than me and Anna. I was about a week older than Anna.

"Since when do you even care? Look just focus on Anna, she got the job and mission yippie." I said in a vary monotone voice.

"Look you are my daughter to, okay. I do care about you. The training that a Cloaker goes through is unthinkable . Alex, this is big. This is horrible, oh dear lord." He said dragging his hands down his face. What he said made me Angry. He doesn't really care!  He just says that to make himself look like such a good father. I don't resent him for doing this, he's my father I can't get around that. I love him either way so I just sit here and listen to what he has to say. My step mother on the other hand, I don't love her or respect her. I hate her. I know that's a harsh thing to say but what she says sets me off completely. 

"Look your father is trying very hard to care for and give you what your stupid mother can't do." She said with a snarl. That crosses the damn line. My dads face paled knowing what was about to happen. He knew that just those few words can make do something i will not regret. As I said I don't like her. She is the one that made my dad leave my mom. She is the one my dad chose over me for so many years. 

"Mom!" Anna yelled.
"Last time I checked you were nothing but the mistress that my dad had. He married my mom before your slutty ass came along. Your the one that fucked him without giving a thought about protection cause all you cared about was your sex money you fucking prostitute." I said back with even more fire than she gave to me.

"Alex!" My father bellowed. It took everything in me not to role my eyes and keep going with my rant. I wanted to yell at my father that all this was true. What I was saying was no lie, and he knew that. That's why hes so mad by what I just said. I simply turned around and walked towards the door.  

"Alex wait!" Anna said. She grabbed me by the elbow and forcefully turned me around.

"I still don't believe your a Cloaker." She said looking at me with a snobby drawing expression. God why is every one in this house hold so fucking stubborn?! But i have every right to do what I have in mind. 

"That's it, your off the mission. Next time think about your words before you speak them." I said her face paled. I got my phone out of my back pocket and quickly dialed a number that I will not regret calling. I walked out the house and every person followed me.

"Hello agent Archer what can I do for you." Bree's voice cam through.

"Hello Bree can you take a look at the mission I was assigned and take off Anna. The training is not working, she is not fit for this level. Take her down a level and don't take her off till she completes a mission please." I said with a sweet sick tone. She laughed.

"Your wish is my command Archie." She said. Her voice had happiness in it. I was most defiantly glad to hear it. I gave her a small thank you and I hung up. This is the best i have felt in a while. 

"How could you do that, you fucking bitch! My daughter deserves that position! She completed her mission in less than a day!" My step mother yelled at me. At this laughed, Anna fucking lied! Oh this is priceless. This is gonna be so fun to explain now, won't it. 

"Really she did? I looked at her file, she got captured and had to be rescued she never completed her mission. She fucking lied to you. Don't step any closer Lucinda, I can have you arrested in a matter of seconds considering what you did for a living cause I have proof of what you did. I have a higher position than my dad. I wouldn't cross the line if I were you. I can have you put on death row with a snap of my fingers. You fucking killed a person without authority." At this I saw her face pale and regret shower across her face. Sweat began to gather on her temple. She looked back at my father. 

"I though you deleted all of that file!" She yelled at him. 

"I did, I messaged the secretary to delete the file before he left his position. He told me he got rid of it." He said calmly back. He was used to her yelling at him. So used to it he just gave up on fighting and yelling back at her. I didn't like it one bit. 

"He did what you told him to do. You said to take the file out of the system, but he didn't get rid of the file. You never told him to. He gave it to me. When he left he gave everything to me. I was the one he trusted most. I was partners with him, we were a good team till he got shot and injured. Since then he wasn't allowed back out in the field. I was the one that he could tell his clients business, there is a lot more I know father." I said looking at him with a stoic expression. I wanted to punch him so bad. Its almost like hes blind to whats in front of him, hes blinded by lust and confusion. My twin brother won't even talk to him any more. Any of this fucked up family actually. 

I'm glad he got out of this shit, I wouldn't be able to get out though. My dad has custody of me, my mother has custody of my brother. She has been fighting this battle for so long, I can tell shes getting tired of it. I don't want her to go through any of that any more. I am forced to talk to my father, don't get me wrong I do love him. Somewhat, but he has clearly made his choice. He loves Anna more than he ever cared for me. I don't blame him, I ruined his life in so many ways. But he ruined his life in so many more ways than I did. I took a burner phone out of my bag. My dad was staring at me with an expression of grief. He now knows what I went through, all the training that happened to me. I looked at the burner phone and turned it on. 

Anna knew nothing of the mission, she was not allowed to look at the file before me and Abby. If she knew anything she would be taken off the mission. Just something that protocol says to do. I turned around and walked away from the people who take me for granted. 

I dial in Jades number and waited for her to pick up. 

Well here goes nothing.

Another chapter, happy Abby? lol so its kind of a small chapter sorry. But hoped you liked it, 5sos will be comeing in vary soon. Like probably next chapter soon. I'm still trieing to put things together. AKA im makeing shit up at the moment. Any way hope this is a good chapter. thanks for reading!


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