Mrs. Hemmings

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After I explained everything to Abby. She kept asking me questions about Luke. Like, what's his last name? Is he a agent? Does he know about Jade? What did his voice sound like? Was it hot?
The fact that I knew the answers to these questions is scaring me alone.

"Calm down Mrs. Hemmings! I will not answer another question. I'm feeding your obsession. Once we get over there you can meet him for all I care." I snapped at her. I am not in the mood right now. My dad had put me in a bad mood. I don't like having to deal with this all the time I go home. Nothing is working.
Abby P.O.V
As I looked at her I could tell it was her parents. This got me angry even though I knew I shouldn't have been mad at her. Understanding people was something I struggled with severely. It was probably my lack of being understood most of my life. Even as long as I've known Alex I can't understand her. She is so confusing in so many ways. And it bugs the hell out of me.
Can't she just be more open with herself towards me. Ever since we little she has always been a guarded person, it even took a while to learn her first name and we were partners. For crying out loud, I only knew her by the Name Archer Yes that is her last name. Understanding people is hard, that's why Alex handles with a lot of things out in the field, I am the computer tech geeky person on the team. Alex knows how to do everything I do but she likes to be the one with the gun better. Not behind the scenes.
Me on the other hand, guns terrify the hell out of me. I know how to shoot a gun, but the blow that forces your arms to move is just not for me. I like being behind the scenes.

"Is there a reason your staring at me like that." Alex's horse voice said breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at her, I could tell she was losing her voice from taking care of the commanding unit. She has to hell orders at people older than her. One thing I do know is the she has a lot more heavy responsibility than me. I take care of the security and battle plains, all that has to do with my geekyness. Her she has a lot with more battle and gun point stuff. I'm not going to deny that that stuff puts a lot more pressure on a person.

Why she does this to herself I don't know. I don't even know if she chooses to do any of this crap. Her mom is the best next to her father. Their legends in the making. Yet so are my parents, but they don't pressure me. Unlike Alex, they push her to be the best. I really don't know what they do, I just know that it stresses her out. I don't know a lot of her past, yet she knows a lot of mine. I never really mind about that though. I don't think I want to know that much. 

"Nope no reason at all, and I'm sorry for asking so many questions. We might as well go to the plane and get ready to go to Australia." I said trying to keep my voice even. 

That's how it went, we boarded the plane. Off our way to be put in a damn jail cell. At least I get to see Luke again. God its been ages.

Alex P.O.V

For this mission we have to keep track on the other side. Me and Abby were discussing this on the plane. One: I don't want to do this. Two: My mother actually talked to me in person and told me not to fail on this mission. I may not talk to my mother a lot, but she is better than my dad. I mean she's fighting for my custody, but she takes her job first. Everything else second. Sometimes I don't hear from her for months at a time. My parents are my parents. I love them either way, they still care for me and give me a roof over my head. Right now we are waiting for the  so called Luke Hemmings and Micheal Clifford. I kept an eye on my watch. They were supposed to be here by 3:00 on the dot. It is currently 2:59. I hope they know what their doing. The clock ticked to three. 

"Holy fuck your precise. Jade cut us some slack we got everything ready, okay just calm the fuck down." An unfamiliar Australian voice spoke. I looked up to see two guys in black skinny jeans black combat boots. One had dirty blond hair, the other had bright red hair. The one that had bright red hair was the one that spoke. Jade being Jade smacked him upside the head. 

"Shut the fuck up you nincompoop. Both of you come on or I will cut your balls off. I have people that rely on me you idiots." She said glaring at them. Then she walked over to me. I looked over to see if Abby was okay. She had her eyes on the blond one. He had a lip ring a lot like mine and bright piercing blue eyes. Yet she was all business. She knew I would get mad at her if she didn't have her head on straight. She stayed a step behind me, I knew she didn't like social interaction. Yet if you got her mad, be where of the beast. There is no way in hell that you will beat her in a fight. We have never got in a fight with each other. Even in training, they always put us with different people. 

"New plan I'm going with you guys, I'll explain why later. We gotta get goin, these idiots know what to do. We got put in the same cell. All we gotta do is sneak in. Gotcha badges?" She said all at once in a big rush. I looked at both boys, all I saw was fear. Good maybe they'll get the job done right. I moved my jacket out of the way to show my badge. 

"I hope this works making this badge took some effort." I deadpanned to Jade. I played all this off. Luke knew it was real. The badge I have on is real. It's been real since I was fourteen. 

"This will work, if these two know what the hell to do." She said looking at the with an expectant look. 

"Look we know what were doing." The bright red haired kid said. I went and yanked the hem of his leather jacket. He whimpered, and I smirked. 

"If you know what your doing I suggest you don't fail. If you do you will be in a world of hell Micheal Clifford." I said taking a guess on his name. The way his face paled means I got his name right. 

"Got ya." He said with a shaking voice. I heard a chuckle come form Abby. 

"Good, now what do we gotta do. Do me a favor and don't fuck this up. Okay?" Abby said as I let go of his jacket. She said it with a sick sweet tone. But the threat was loud and clear. 

If they fuck this up, they'll be dead in a second. And I wouldn't give one flying fuck about it.

Hey guys another chapter! Okay hope you liked it, thanks for reading! 


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