Clara Dallas

11 0 2

Abby P.O.V

Luke kissed down my neck slowly.

"Alex will be okay." He whispered. I listen to Luke. I moaned into Luke's shoulder. Why did this feel good? God Alex was going to kill me if she ever found out.

Alex P.O.V 

I looked at Hood not expecting to see a look of happiness. 

"What do you think there gonna do." He asked me. His thick Australian accent Showing through. 

"I have no idea. What ever it is I would prefer you weren't a mad asshole when they come." I muttered. A big bruise was forming on my face. He sighed. 

"Archer look at me." He said sternly. Archer was my last name. I looked up.

"My girlfriend, Clara, I knew never had the chance to get in. She's to straight forward. She can't think everything through. A good agent needs to think of plan A to Z plus more. She doesn't have that capability. I'm not mad, I really don't care. She treats me like shit. I dumped her, I couldn't handle it." He said, the slightest hint of guilt in his eyes. His weakness, I knew what it was. 

"I know your weakness Hood." I said analyzing him. He looked at me with wide eyes and rose one eye brow. 

"You play roles. You can't do that being an agent. What I mean by play roles is that when you see a girl, or little kid your think they can't kill, abuse, harm, control, be totally sadistic. When your an agent you assume everyone is an enemy, everyone is trying to kill you. Me , you and Abby were the ones to hack the pentagon when we were 11. The elite government system known to the public. 

"I'll tell you a secret, girls fight much dirtier than boys. Also a true enemy is never as dangerous as a wrong friend." I told him. His round baby like face turned pale. 

"You do know people aren't puppets, you cant just play with them like dolls and put them back in a box when you get bored of them. That's not how life works Archer, that's why I'm mad at you about Clara." Hood finally spoke. 

" That's my specialty Hood, messing with people's minds is fun. I can see the enjoyment that a fuck boy gets. Every time you break a heart, it brings somewhat of an enjoyment. Not pleasure or a sense of fun, just a joyful feeling. Kinda hard to explain." I said with a smirk on my face. 

"You won't always think like that. I know because you don't treat Abby like shit, shes to important to you."  He said with a sternness in his voice. 

"That's the beauty of a Jet Black Heart, you have to love it. Iv'e got a jet black heart and theirs a hurricane underneath it. Everybody's got their demons Hood, even wide awake or dreaming." Suddenly the door was ripped open and someone came in. A man came in, a man with no mercy. The most cruel man this agency has come to know, by this point nothing to come was good. Mr. Devalin was not a man to mess with. For the first time in a long time I felt all color drain out of my face. 

"I hope your ready for your punishment." He said. I looked at Hood, we were thinking the same thing. 

We were fucking screwed. 

Abby P.O.V

 I haven't seen Alex in hours and I was getting worried. But right now I was dealing with Clara. This goddamn bitch better get out of my way. My best friend for all i knew was getting murdered. 

"Look Clara you just can't do any shit right. Maybe you had hope at one point but you don't now. I don't know bout your training, only Alex does. This is a tough business, if you can't handle a simple rejection well you better get the fuck out of this place. You need to hit your breaking point and stay there, no one can break something that's already been broken. That's what makes us invincible. Yes we are human, that's the point of a jet black heart. nothing can get through. Until you learn that, you will never be a Cloaker." I spun on my heal and ran towards room 669, I don't like that room. That"s were the worst punishment are given. 

What I saw when I walked in their made me regret staying in that bathroom with Luke. I should have come sooner. 

It was just so cruel. 

Nother chapter!!! Thank for reading. 

~ Alex

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