Cocky much?

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I sat there looking at Alex. She seemed so calm, how she handled being hunted by people with guns I never understood. It came so natural to her. I had to admit I was jealous. She was calm collected and just made it look like nothing was wrong. Me, I am considered to freak out. I take care of cameras and all the technology stuff. Abby is known to freak the hell out.

Alex on the other hand...not so much. She's the one out in the field and shooting people. Always knows the latest on weapons and anything to kill a person. I know how to kill a person or thing but its just not my forte. Alex is the definition of a bad ass. Me I'm more rebellious. And now at this moment I can't keep my mind off of Luke. I'm such a fucking idiot, why did I have to sleep with the guy? Just why did I even think of doing it! It's fucking ridiculous!

We were currently at the Irwin household. And no surprise Alex was mad and arguing with Ashton. I was sitting by Luke.

"Is there a reason you won't talk to me?" Luke suddenly asked.

"Nope. No reason at all." I said calmly.
"Is it because we fucked and never saw each other again?" Once that left his mouth I choked on my own saliva. And started coughing, luckily Alex and Ashton were yelling to loud to notice. I scooted away from him and finished choking. He just had to bring that up. Fucking asshole.

"Okay one, no one knows about that except for one person. So don't bring it up again. We might have slept together but that doesn't mean anything." I said, but my voice shook. He knew I was lying. He smirked at me.

"Doesn't mean anything huh? Are you sure about that?" He asked with a cocky smile.

"Your being way to cocky for my likeing." I said with a string of anger on my voice. He no longer understood me. Deep down that hurt, but no way in hell was I going to show that.

"Mm I don't think I am. I know you enjoyed it-" I smacked him before he could finish that sentence.

"Your a dick. And by the way, cocky much? Being a cocky asshole isn't going to help you. If you ever want to touch my ass again I would change if I were you. If not, I have a loaded gun and I won't be afraid to shoot your ass till your not breathing. One more thing," I got up in his face.

"Fuck you Hemmings. You can kiss my ass." I said and I waled away grabbing Alex.

"We need to make sure were not going to get killed any time soon. So if you don't mind, you need to finish yelling at his ass." I said with impatience. Alex opened her mouth and I was so surprised what came out of her mouth I couldn't help but feel sorry for Ashton. Because he was on the edge of crying by the end.

Alex P.O.V

"Cocky much? Get your fucking head out of your ass its not a hat Irwin." I yelled. He glared at me. His brown and green eyes piecing into me. No way was I scared. He was just an idiot that doesn't know what his mothers done for him. He's so ungrateful and he will just fail in life. Anne, his mom, wasn't here yet.

"Being a sarcastic stubborn asshole isn't going to help you win this argument Alex. Why don't you open your eyes and look at what your saying!" He bellowed at me. The nerve! Abby came toward me looking angery and luke sitting on the couch holding his face. She told me to finish the argument, and that's what I did.

"Ashton your such an ungrateful asshole. Your mom has done so much for you and you completely ignore it! You need to get your head on straight. Why don't you man the fuck up?! You completely discharge what your mom does for you. She does so ucj your you and your siblings. And then your dad, what the hell did your dad ever do for you? And you think just like him! You think that a girl can't do any of the hard work, they're nothing but here to kiss your asses and take Care of what ever you order us to do.

"Guess what? WERE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK! Your mom works her ass off so hard for you and you don't put any fucking gratitude into it. I will say this once more, get your head out of your ass Ashton Irwin, its not a hat. Were leaving." Ashton looked like he was about to cry. Suddenly Jade walked in.

"Okay look I can hear you down the hall, why don't you guys just make out already. Come on I need some action!" Jade yelled at us. I was completely disgusted by the idea.

"You can stay. I'm sorry." Ashtons horse voice said. And he walked away. Abby lookrd at Mr funny and tugged me outside.

"I haven't seen you that mad In a long time. Hr must know how to get under your skin. You do know agents aren't supposed to be affected by that." Abby said. It was a warning, I knew it was.

"Says the one that can't even sit next to Luke without getting mad at him. Look let's make a deal. We don't involve our selves with them ant more. We need to focus on our mission." Suddenly my phone buzzed.
"Oy we need to get you in a jump suit and fast. Wait in front of the iwrins house." Jauque said into the phone with his thick Irish accent.

"Got it." I said and hung up.

"Were not staying after all. We need to get our things." I said. Abby nodded in understanding.

"The deal is final. Forget about them." She said in a monotone voice. We both walked back into the house. Gathered out things told Luke and Jade we were going.

Okay nother chapter. Thanks for reading!


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