Well Fuck.

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We were currently in a van with Luke and Michael. They were explaining how were gonna do this. Its simple but vary rarely affective. We have agents working for us there. We have a lot more connections than them. But what happened when Luke started to argue with Abby was beyond stupid on Abby's part.

"You guys really don't know what the hell your doing do you?" Abby tells them as she looked at the ridiculous plan.

"Yes we do, now stop being a smartass and listen." Luke replyed with a annoyed look. Abby rolled her eyes. That's when it started the argument. I didn't listen all that much just stayed behind and watched. I didn't want to know what they were arguing about. I know Abby won't slip up. I trust her enough for her to argue without anger. Me on the other hand not so much. I tend to blurt a lot of thing out. Only when Im angry, nothing else.

Abby has to hold me back. I looked at them suddenly Abby had a devilsih grin on her face. Suddenly she kissed luke, hard may I add. Oh Abby 'shut the fuck up' never works for you. This is the second time she has done this to stop an argument. Always with an Australian guy. Luke's eyes went wide, his grip on the armrest tightened. I couldn't help but laugh at Michaels expression. Jade laughed along with me. She saw the first time she kissed a dude to shut him up. Oh the fun I have with Abby. Abby let go of the poor boy.

"You gonna shut up now? What I'm telling you is the truth, you don't like it shut up. Me and Alex are gonna make some changes." She said with a devilish grin. She grabbed his wrist that were still on the arm rest and pushed his chair out of the way so he was back with the still shocked Michael. They both had their mouths dropped open. Luke had lip gloss smeared on his lips from Abby.

"Alex, Jade I think it's time to fuck shit up!" She bouncing on the heals of her feet.

"First let me order my pizza, yup large pizza, yo want any bread sticks?" She said with a serious tone that just made chuckle and Abby to fall into fits of laughter.

This is going to be a great plan or a disaster. Either way I have to make sure this isn't going to end badly. Why is Jade going with us to a jail cell. That alone doesn't make any sense. It's not logical for her. There are so many thing that can go wrong in this. Me and Abby have always been like this. Her the out going and persuasive and flirty. Me the intimidating bitch with a fucked up life.

That's how we've always worked. Since she has trouble understanding people I end up doing that for her. We make a good team, we've never been apart. Even though sometimes I want to kill her, she's one of my best friends. We have been through thick and thin. She had always been the outgoing kind of person. Me I like to observe and not say anything.

"You guys figure everything out with Micheal. Luke you said we needed something to get in. Look what they planned is pretty good so just tweak it. Were trying not trying to go full out with the plan. I hate to say it but you boys know how to get in trouble. You coming Hemmings?" I said holding the door open. He was still in shock by what just happened. I rolled my eyes at him motioned for him to come out side. I didn't want to wait for him so I just walked out of the van. It was getting hard to breath in there with a lot of people. I heard foot steps behind me.

I already knew who Luke hemmings was. As soon as I heard his name, I knew who he was. I didn't know if he recognized me. He walked beside me.

"I didn't know agents were allowed to do that." He said. Guess he does recognize me.

"There's not a rule against it Luke. The rule is you have to do anything to get what you need. You must know that." I said. He was about a year older than me but I trained him when he spent his summer in America. He as still at the bottom as far as I know.

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