Chapter20 Family Meeting

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Family Meeting

{ 2 months later }

/////// Landon POV ////////

Lan What's sup man you haven't been around much where have you been Ty ask? I went to go see my pops and spend time with Devin. How is Dev doing in school. She doing really good. We are all going to dinner tonight and I'm taking Sasha to meet them. I've told them so much bout her. Pops can't wait. His words I'm glad she not a lame whore that you usually have. I watch Ty laugh. Man, your pops is a trip. How is his depression? He is doing better, yet he still stuck in that zone. I mean he always told us when he meet our mom she changed him. He woke up each day only wanting to see her smile make her proud nothing else mattered. What got me one time Ty, was when he told me the moment I truly became a man was when I looked in her eyes when told me she loved me. I threw my pride down didn't care what happen she your mom became my pride. I remember your pops use to be on us all the time bout that. Give him some time he will pick back on that. We both laugh. How are things with you and the lovely Sasha? I feel whole, warm. I'm just rea.... He cuts me off to be a man like your pops was? Yeah, Ty like my pops was. She is smart, determined, open, honest. I'm not use to that. I'm use to Lan buy this or that. She is happy with us at home her cooking me chilling or cleaning. So like a marriage Ty says? I laugh you can say that. I mean yeah we do go out and she does have to work at home at times but she makes time for me as I do her. That reminds me I'm leaving in a few days. I need for you, Stone and Kaylee to keep this lie going for me. She is the DA I'm not going to jail for you Lan Ty says. Tyler your not going to jail. I'm going to the cabin for bout 2 or 3 days and you know she want have no connection with me. Why are you going their ? That's where we really connected and I want to add on more to it and add things to it for her. OH! I see. You plan to take Ms. Crowder back their again? Yes I do. That's the place she changed my life and she made me really find me for the first time. I can do that. I have to go cause I have to get dad and meet up with Dev, but are Kaylee, Stone, you and I still on for dinner tomorrow night. Yes we are. Alight see you then...

//////// Sasha POV ////////

In my office long work day ready to go home but more excited to meet Landon's family. I only pray they are nothing like mine. I hear am bough out of my daze when I hear my office door close rather loudly. I turn quickly only to see the one person I could go with out seeing the rest of my life. What are you doing here? Nice to see you to sis. Danielle cut the fucking bull shit and games. What the hell do you want? We need to be a family. Our dad need us. No your father needs you. I don't have a family. That shit cut long ago. Sasha stop being such a bitch and forgive me. Dad is sorry and so is mom. Mark and I did.... I cut her off. Just get the fuck out. You are only here on YOUR father's behave to get me to what drop the case completely forget it. Turn a blind eye to his wrong doing and let him buy me off like he did others. Not going to happen. Take your filthy lying ass and get going now. Your going to need us Sasha. I throw my head back and laugh at that statement. Yeah sure I will. I watch her get up and walk to the door. Sah! I look at her with a smirk on her face. Did you ever find out what happen to what's her name, oh yeah Mrs. Crowder? I mean after all didn't you take her last name. That was very disrespectful to our family, mom had us do you know that was a slap in the face to her. Your family I snap back quick, and she was more of a mother to me than that bitch that had me. Tell Landon I said hey. Bye big sis. I watch as Danielle leave my office. I pick up my phone.
{ phone convo}


Ivy I need a favor.

Sure what is it?

Open the Crowder case back up. I want everything ASAP!

Sas did something?

I have always known my father did something but now I think my sister and mother may of been in on it also. When I take him down they going down also.

I'll get right on it.

Thank you Ivy. I say before hanging up the phone.

I walk out my office to my car. I get home take a shower and change clothes. I will not allow her to sabotage my plans tonight with Landon and his family.

//////// Landon POV //////

I get to the restaurant and see Sasha pull up moments later. My dad and sister get out. I walk over to my ebony queen. I swear she takes my breath away each time I see her. I open her car door for her. Thank you she says then greets me with a passionate kiss. Hey baby she says. I take her hand in mine hey love how was your day. Not now she says in a low tone. We walk over to my car to see my dad and sister standing their with smiles on their faces. Dad this is Sasha Crowder my girlfriend and Sasha this is my dad Lincoln Reigns. She extends her hand with a warm smile and my takes her hand and kisses the back of it. Lovely to meet you Ms. Crowder. Please call me Sasha she says with a smile. I look over to Devin who is cheesing like she taking a school picture and bursting with excitement. Sasha this is my sister Devin. Devin this is my girlfriend Sasha. Sasha again extends her hand smiling. Devin just jumps right up giving her a hug. Sasha hugs her back tight. It's nice to finally meet the both of y'all Sasha says. Lan has told us so much bout you. I'm so happy to finally meet you Dev says. Well lets go eat Devin says and gets Sasha's arm linking it into hers. Huh dad what just happen? Well son looks like you lost your date to your sister he says with laughter in his voice. Lets go pops.

We get inside the restaurant and get seated. The waiter came over. May I take your.... OH MY GOSH IT'S YOU the waiter say very loudly. Your the sexy Landon Reigns. Oh great another gold digger or bed whore wanting my brother Devin says. Sasha looks at Devin and says I'm not use to it but I ignor them. If it wasn't for his fans he wouldn't be as big as he is and have made such a big name for his self. Devin says I guess you right but at school and when we go out. Not to mention if I'm not with him. I listen to Devin talk she never told me this. The waiter snaps me back to attention. Can you give us a moment please I ask? Sure I can. May I please have your autograpthy the young lady ask with a hint of being flirty. I sign the paper and she walks off. Devin I need to talk with you for a moment. I help her up and we go the a corner in the back of the restaurant.

Dev why didn't you every tell me this before. I know how school students are but every where else. I didn't won't to bother you and I know comes with your name but It's like being used to gain access to you with out a care to me or our family. Dev if you won't me to give it up so you can have a regular life I will. No Landon Jesus no. Riding is your life its who you are and actually Sasha made me see that just now. She hugged me your my brother I'm so proud of you and I love you. I love you to Dev. But can we go some where else to eat. I smile yes and I know just the place. We walk back over to my the table. Is everything Okay with my children? Yes daddy Devin says with a smile. We are having a change of plans. We are going to eat at my house I say with a smile. My dad takes out his cell phone. Dad what are you doing? Calling the funeral home to get my casket ready he says in a non-chalant tone. Sas and Dev just laughing away. Its not that damn funny. Besides Sas will cook for us. She the best cook. The waiter came back are y'all ready to place your order. No we will not be dinning here tonight but here is $100.00 for taking to serve us. We get up to leave and while we are walking out Devin yell's I'm riding with Sasha. They take off to her car laughing and talking. Again pops what just happen. Once again you lost you girlfriend to your sister. I'm starting to think my kids need to be on Jerry Springer he laughs. I just drop my head shaking it.



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