Chapter 3 - Place of our own

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The wind blew my hair around my face as I lay my head half way out of the moving car. We were finally getting back to La. Push, it had been 3 weeks since we left and met up with Matt who spent 3 days with us before he left but we all knew he was going to come back one day.

“Turn right here.” Bree called out leaning over my seat to directed Ember’s driving.

“ I don’t see it, what are you pointing at Bree!” Ember demanded. We were on our way to the house we bought which was just on the edge of La. Push.

“Hay I see it.” Trinity happily said and sure enough here it was a cute two floor house.

“finally a place of our own.” Bree sighed as is a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Ember parked the car and we all climbed out just as Sky and the others pulled up in the truck. We looked so different from the first time we were in La. Push. Bree’s hair was pulled over her shoulders and she had on a black belted skirt and a gray best friends forever T-shirt with brown flat bottom boots. Jamie had a bright red shirt on that read “Big fun in a little package” across the front, jeans and high tops. Trinity was tugging on the bottom of her black and pink zebra print dress that had matching pink and black flats with bows on them. Ember had skinny’s on with a yellow off the shoulder          T- shirt and wedges, Sky wore a purple corset with black skinny’s and black plat form high heels. Ella had on something much more simple, a gray pink long sleeved shirt, light blue jean shorts and short brown cow boy boots. And there was me I had on cherry red skinny’s with a light brown lasted tank top with a black one underneath and short brown boots. All of us were so much more put together, clothing wise anyway. We all grabbed a box out of the truck and carried them into the house.

“I want to go to the beach.” Jamie said while pulling her hat off her head and her hair fell down to her shoulders. “Honey why did you tuck your hair into your hat?” Ella currishly asked.

“Don’t really know,” She replied with a shrug.

“well maybe we should stop into see Emily.” Trinity suggested.

“Maybe not just yet.” I admitted twirling my hair around my finger.

“Alright Sky and I well change our shoes then we’ll go to the beach.” Ember said kicking off her wedges. The others and I stood out in the drive way waiting for Sky and Ember who only took minutes to get ready.

“ok, let’s go,” Sky said grabbing her arm over Trinity’s and Jamie’s shoulders.

“walk or run?” I simply asked tilting my head to the side.

“Run,” both Trinity and Jamie giggled and they took off running into La. Push.

When the beach came into sight all I wanted to do was put my feet in the sand.

“I love the beach!” Jamie sang while jumping from log to log.

“Such a quiet place.” Ella mumbled as she took everything around her in.

“I don’t sense any vampires just a dog.” Ember explained,

“wait what a dog?” Bree asked and her confusion was written all over her face.

“yeah dog’s over that way.” Ember said pointing to the left.

“ let’s take a look shall we,” I decided happily. The seven of us made our way down the beach, as we got furthr down the faint smell of dog blew past us and as we stopped, there they were a group of guys. Tossing around a football.

“wow boys look at our cute little lady’s.” one of the guys howled and his voice was very familiar but I couldn’t put a face to it. I glared at the guy and he started walking over to us and that’s when it hit me. Big ego, attitude.

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