Chapter 14- Finding Them

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This was not a place that we understood we didn’t even know why we were in it. Why were these body’s we in so important.  Taurus stretched her arms above her head, Trinity lay her head down on Taurus lap.

“I’m board what are we going to do?” Trinity currishly asked,

“ you could go see the garden.”  Taurus explained as she placed her hand onto of Trinity’s head.

“she seems so out of sorts.” Jamie whispered into my ear.  I watched as Taurus whispered things to Trinity but I didn’t catch any of it.

“you know Oceana staring is considered rude.” Taurus cooed softly but her eyes never left Trinity.

“sorry I was just thinking.” I replied and Taurus just simply nodded her head.

“come on Taurus let’s get out of this room and go play.” Trinity said as she pulled her towards the door of the room.

“if you say so.” Taurus softly said as she smiled at Trinity. We all quietly exited the room and proceeded down the hallway.

“Oceana….. where are u going.” A voice whispered in my ear. This place was so large I had no idea how we would get around, or find the others.  

“ you know Oceana, sometimes ignoring the voices only makes them worse.” I heard Taurus cooed,

“what the voices again?” Thea asked turning to face me.

“sorry I don’t have any control over them.” I simply replied shrugging my shoulders.  we didn’t walk for long before we can to a arch way that lead us into a beautiful garden. Trinity released Taurus and then went and grabbed a hold of Jamie and she literally dragged her out the archway. I walked past Ella and Taurus who both stood back a little form the arch way that Trinity and Jamie disappeared through. The sweet smell of roses filled my noise, I softly ran my hands over the hedges that grew on either side of the small stone pathway and twisted and turned around the garden. I fallowed the sound of Trinity softly laughing in the distends but somehow I found myself all turned around and I didn’t know which way to go. I pushed some branches out of my face and cut my hand  a little on the rose bushes, but it was only a slight stinging pain.

“what the hell how can I be lost.” I huffed angrily as I pushed a few strands of lose hair out of my eyes. I sat myself down on a stone bench and leaned back and looked up at the sky. Slowly my eyes started to close and my body relaxed. I sensed someone coming closer to be so I wasn’t at all socked when I felt something softly stroke my cheek.

“ I don’t really enjoy being fallowed you know.” I mumbled softly, not bothering to open my eyes to see who was in front of me.

“ your beauty is hard to understand.” A male voice spoke softly to me, I could help smile at the sound of his voice it’s like I knew who he was.

“oh and why is that.” I chuckled softly,

“not even vampires have beauty like yours.” He cooed. I opened my eyes just in time to see him leaning towards me and he gently pressed his lips to mine and he closed his eyes and I did the same.

“ will he love us.” A little voice inside of me questioned, and I for some reason hoped he did.

It felt like our kiss lasted forever and I felt at piece. I felt him pull away from me and slowly I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, his eyes were a gold brown and his hair was blond.

“ how is it that you always make my heart stop.” I asked him and he got this twinkle in his eyes.

“I’m just make to do it.” He laughed and I laughed and shook my head at him.

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