Chapter 15 - Get ready for the ball

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All seven of us glanced back and forth at each other in silent’s, I found myself focused on Taurus and Colista as they were off in their own little worlds.

“Glad to see the two of you back with us.” I said when I saw that they were out of there little worlds.

“I can’t believe this is really us.” Taurus stated as she ran her fingers thought her orange gold hair.

“This is unbelievable.” Colista huffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, and when she did so there was a quick flash of purple swirling light around her arms.

“Your Sky, alright.” I stated pointing at Colista whose looked up at me and the purple swirling light around her arms vanished.

“ That would have to make you Ember.” Jamie said motioning to Taurus,

“True.” She replied with a soft smile on her face.

“so about this ball tonight.” I softly said and quickly the smile Taurus had vanished.  

“Seems like we are welcomed to it with open arms but there was something the Lord just wasn’t tell me.” I explained, not liking that I had no idea what was truly going on.

“I wonder if he will be there.” I thought to myself thinking about the man in the garden who I shared a kiss with.

“Bliss, what are you thinking about?” Bree curiously asked me and I jumped back a little when I saw her right in my face.

“oh its nothing don’t worry about it.” I replied softly.  

“so what was it that you wanted to tell us Phoenix” Taurus curiously asked, an in seconds  the energy around us changed.

 “ I was looking into a lead I heard about. There was a place where a white wolf was seen.” She explained quietly so only we could hear.

“It sounds like the one we saw all those years ago, before we got pulled into this world.” She added.

“what really, where is it?” Diem asked,

“that part I’m still looking into.” Phoenix explained a little disappointed.

“secrets and more secrets.” A voice whispered to me, but I ignored it hoping that it would go away.

“we should get all cleaned up for tonight.” Thea said placing her hands on Diem’s shoulders and resting her chin on top of her head.

“oh joy.” Colista hissed softly as  she began walking away from us. The others fallowed behind her, but I just stood there not being able to move.

“you need to listen Oceana.” The voice whispered to me, I closed my eyes hoping to shut it off.

“don’t try and ignore me.” the voice hissed and this time it sounded angry.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled so softly I almost couldn’t hear my own voice. Once I opened my eyes I noticed that the hallway was covered in a light frost that reached out words from my body.

“don’t fight it,” the voice cooed in the back of my minds.

Oceana who’s body I was in moved on its own, and I no longer had any control. I slowly breathed out and I could see my own breath.

“what are you doing!” I heard a familiar voice demand.

“not again.” another voice sighed and I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my face. My hand flew to my cheek,

“what the hell Taurus!” I hissed angrily.

“then knock it off Oceana.” She hissed her eyes flashing gold for a second. The two of us stared at each other and the frown on Taurus face deepened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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