Chapter 13 - In Other bodies

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The ringing in my ears slowly started to stop and it was then that I noticed that there was no longer a ticking sound.

“ thank god that sound stopped.” I thought. My eyes slowly started to open and there was a large window in front of me .

“wait we don’t have a window like that in our hallway.” I softly said, and I began to look around. I was in a large room that looked nothing like any of the ones that were in our house. I jumped up from where I was sitting and I stumbled a little forward. I looked down at myself and there was long flowing turquoise fabric with some white on it.

“what the hell am I wearing.” I thought and I madly looked around and I saw a mirror on the wall. I slowly walked over to the mirror, I was in a long flowing dress which had short sleeves that hung half way on my shoulders. I was wearing a gold and turquoise  necklace and it shimmered in the light. I lifted up the bottom of the dress a little to see sandal heels that matched the necklace. But that wasn’t the weirdest thing. My hair was lighter and half of it was down and the rest of it was pulled up and I had these gold flower pins in it. There was a sudden knock at the door that cause me to jump back a little. I walked over to the door and grabbed a hold of the door handle and slowly pulled it open. and standing there was a women that looked like she might be a maid.

“ your wanted in the throne room” she said looking down at her feet.

“could you please take me there.” I asked trying to sound more confident then I knew I was. She nodded not looking up at me from her feet. We exited the room and there were lots of long and twisting hallways. I fallowed close behind the maid as she guided me down the halls that I knew for a fact I would of gotten lost in. Finally she stopped in front of a very large wooden door, she pressed her hands on the door and pushed it open. as the doors opened she quickly stepped aside so she was not standing in the open door way. I looked into the large room and sitting in a throne was a man with shoulder length jet black hair, and he was dressed like a king from medieval times.

“ah my dear lovely Oceana,” he said with love in his voice as I stepped into the room and he stood from his seat and began to walk towards me.

“you seem more and more beautiful with each time I see you.” He whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me giving me a loving hug.

“you wanted to see me,” I said in a calm voice that I didn’t think I was going to be able to manage.

“always right to the point,” he sighed pulling away from me and looking dead in my eyes and I started into his deep red ones, an that’s when I knew he was a vampire.

“ I need you and your friends to make an appearance at the ball tonight.” He explained turning his body away from me. his scent was left on my body from him hugging me, it was a lemon and minty smell and I liked it.

“oh and why is that you must have another reason for wanting us to come.” I cooed and I crossed my arms over my chest.

“where did that come from I don’t even know what’s going on.” I thought to myself, it was like my body and knew what to do and say but I was just sitting back and listening.

“Cause your beautiful…” he simply said but I knew there was something he wasn’t telling me.

“ fine if that’s all you need I’ll be going.” I said turning on my heels and began to walked out the door.

I closed the large doors behind me and leaned my back against them and I started to walk down the opposite hallway that I walked down to get here. I wanted to see where the hell I was.

“OMG this can’t be happening my hair!” I heard a very familiar panicked female voice gasp. I pushed open the door that the voice came from and there facing away from me was a women, with sandy blond hair that went to the middle of her back, she had on a beautiful maroon and white strapless dress that reached the floor, and I could see the hint of gold colored high heels.

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