Chapter 8- The Change

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Cold water ran down my half dressed body as I sat in the shower with my arms wrapped around my knees. My body trembled a little but it had been getting better, Ember said it probably had to do with the fact that I wasn’t really eating. My hair stuck to my face and my eyes were occasionally fluttering open and closed.

“Bliss, come on there is food down stairs and Sky wants you to get out of the shower.” I heard Bree’s voice say but I couldn’t see her cause my eyes were closed. Even with the sound of the sliding glass door of the shower opening I didn’t open my eyes.

“Sky get in here and give me a hand!” Bree called out and I heard another door open and I was being helped out of the shower.

“we thought life was hard before we got our selves killed.” Sky said and I could tell she was rolling her eyes by the tone of her voice.

“how long had you been sitting in there?” Sky asked as I felt my shirt being pulled over my head.

“I couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to.” I mumbled finally letting my eyes open. Sky was standing in from of me and Bree was looking for something for me to put on. I as tossed this one shoulder gray shirt thing and I just pulled it on not really looking at it. Sky had on a purple dress and she had her hair pulled into a messy bun. And Bree was hearing a dress that came to just her knees that was green dark pink and black.

“Come on we are going to go outside for a while the weather is really nice, so eat then meet us out side.” Sky stated as she left the room with Bree behind her. I slowly made my way after then and went to look at the food on the table but I didn’t have any interest in eating it, I was craving something but I couldn’t place it. I took one bite of the food then I walked outside to see everyone standing there. And as soon as I stepped into the woods with them my world went blank.

“grate just f-ing fantastic.” I thought, I could feel my body moving but I didn’t know where it was going. I saw nothing but white. I could hear running footsteps near me.

“were we running from something, or maybe after something?” I thought again. Then there was a smell,

“what is that smell.” I asked myself, I knew the smell so well but I couldn’t pin point it. Then from the back of my mind I hear another voice.

“Blood,” the voice cooed softly. And it was right that’s what I smelled, the strong yet sweet smell of blood. And with that thought the blankness vanished and I stood shocked at what I saw in front of me. there was a large deer on the forest floor about 3 feet away from me and crouched on the ground was Trinity and Jamie but their backs were facing me and their faces lowed towards the deer. I slowly took a step towards them and Jamie’s head snapped up and she looked over her shoulder, blood covered her lips and ran down the corners of her mouth. I thought I would have felt mortified by what I was seeing but I wasn’t. without a word she turned back to the deer and started feeding again. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two more deer and I looked towards them and there was Sky and Ella crouched around one and same with Bree and Ember. The smell as starting to overpower me and that hungering pain deep in my stomach started to bother me again, at first I thought I was going to be sick, but instead I found myself being drawn towards the deer that Trinity and Jamie were feeding on.

My fingers ran across the blood stained fur and I ran my tough over my lips and I let the hunger take over my body. The deer’s blood flowed into my mouth and I didn’t pull away, instead I gladly feed on it. When my hunger was gone I pulled away but sharp pains ran through my body. My hands grabbed my stomach and I bent over in pain fighting with all my strength to suppress the scream that was building up inside of me. I stumbled away from the dead deer and laid down on the ground and pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I don’t know how long I laid like that but soon the sun was gone and the forest started to become dark.

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