Chapter 5- Their watching

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As the day’s went on no vampires came looking for us, but we knew that they were out there. I walked down LA. Push beach where I had been spending a lot of my time for the last few days and sometimes I would run into some of the wolf boys. I sat by the water’s edge digging my feet in the sand when I was pulled out of my daze by laughing voices. I glanced over my shoulder to see people setting up what looked like a big born fire. I wasn’t really paying much attention to the people I was more interested in the ocean. That last time I really looked at it is when I was younger, I didn’t really get a lot of time to just look at things now.

“hay Bliss it that you?” a voice questioned, I glance over my shoulder and there was Seth walking towards me.

“hey Seth what’s up?” I asked as he sat down beside me.

“not much what you doing in La. Push. Jake told us what your friends said to him and Edward about Bella.” He explained.

“Bree, says things how they are.” I simply replied letting my eyes go back to the ocean.

“so where are they others, is it just you out here?” he asked,

“yea, Ember, Sky and Ella are working. And Bree took Jamie and Trinity grocery shopping.

“ Bliss, you shouldn’t be here right now.” Another voice said and I looked up and saw Embry leaning over me,

“oh and why is that.”

“Sam doesn’t really want you around right now he didn’t say why.” Embry replied. Was he for real, I wasn’t in the mood to be pushed around today.

“Fuck this!” I hissed angrily and clearly the two of them could tell that I was not impressed at all. I stood up and started walking towards the forest but I froze when I felt it again, a cold chill running up my spin. And without warning my vision started to fade in and out. This was the third time this week that this had happened and it wasn’t only affecting me.

“Bliss.” Embry said but I just shook my head and started walking into the forest.

“poor little thing.” A voice cooed and I looked around but saw no one. I pushed myself to keep going just until I saw the house, but my body wasn’t listening to me. it hurt everywhere but I still kept going. I don’t remember walking in the front door the next thing I knew I was laying of the kitchen floor my vision fading in and out. It felt like there was a shadow standing over my body and every part of me began to go numb.

“ humpty dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall.” A voice sang but all I saw was darkness.

“Bliss, can you hear me.” a voice called and my eyes slowly started to open. I jolted up right and I looked around and I was laying in my bed. With Ella sitting next to me a worried expression on her face.

“hi.” I mumbled softly,

“you were pasted out in the kitchen what’s going on?” she questioned.

“ it’s that feeling again.” I explained and she looked panicked.

“Ella what is it?” I asked looking her in the eye.

“that same thing happened to Trinity. Bree called me at work to tell me what happened.” Ella explained,

“what’s going on do you think?” she asked in a worried tone.

“ that’s what I plan on finding out. We barely know what we are and know this is happening.” I promised her. I woke up in a cold sweat tears running down my face and my heart beating against my rib cage. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the bathroom were I splashed water onto my face,

"how about a walk to LA. Push,” a voice said from behind me and I glance over my shoulder and saw Sky smiling at me.

“ why LA. Push you don’t like the wolf guys.” I pointed out,

“well I know you like it there and it makes you happy.” She said holding her hand out to me. I was glad that Sky was smiling because she hadn’t done that in a while and it was making everyone a little sad because she had a really warm loving smile. We walked bare foot thought the woods in are sleep wear which showed a lot of skin.

“WOW LOOK AT THE STARS!” I cheered happily ask we exited the tree’s. I ran onto the sand and spun around with my arms up in the air.

“don’t fall in the water Bliss.” Sky laughed but I wasn’t paying much attention to what she was saying I was having too much fun. The moon that hung in the sky it was full and it was beautiful, as I danced on the sandy beach the water of the ocean danced with me.

“hay do you think that I could walk on water?” I asked spinning around and facing Sky who was just standing there looking at me.

“don’t know have you ever tried it?” Sky questioned shrugging her shoulders.

“nope but I think it would be fun.” I giggled and I proceeded to walk towards the water.

“Sky, you’re not really going to let her do that are you?” I heard Ember’s voice question just before my feet touched the water.

“I want to play to!” Jamie screamed happily and I was talked and I waited for my body to hit the cold water but nothing happed I looked at Jamie and she was sitting onto of me and I was sitting on top of the water.

“hay look I did it.” I said proudly as I stood up causing Jamie to fall off me and right into the water. After that I pulled Jamie out of the water and walked back towards Sky, Ember and the others.

“so all of you fallowed us.” I questioned,

“well we thought we’d miss all of the fun.” Bree said smiling at me.

“Well, look what we have here lost little girls.” A voice hissed and there they stood the vampires we had been looking for. The seven us stood together waiting for what was coming next.

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