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They all knew me.

I am the one who's grin sends fear into hearts and drives people to the brink of insanity.

The one who found a little girl named Alice, wandering the forest.

...The same person who left.

Who am I?

The cat who sits up in a tree all day watching for danger. Yet those who pass call me crazy and reckless.

My name is Cheshire Cat.

You all must know the story of Alice in Wonderland. How she saved the land by slicing off the Red Queen's Jaberwocky's head.

They would celebrate and rejoice in the fact that once again the White Queen has her reign.

Never once did any of the notice me.

The only person who did pay me any attention was the same person who wears a top hat three sizes too impossible. The Mad Hatter.

Ever since I helped him to escape from a beheading from the Red Queen, we have been said to be friend


"Good morning Cheshire." Hatter greets looking up the tree at me.

"Why it's morning as you say it is? Jolly good." I say in reply, truthfully if the Mad Hatter knew what I was capable of he wouldn't be at my tree greeting me like this.

"How is she, Cheshire?"

This was normal between us. Alice had returned to her home in the world of humans, though sometimes she would visit. I share a bond with Alice sicne we are more alike than most..

I reply simply, "Alice is fine, Hatter. She will return soon."

His smile doesn't match mine. It seems more forced than normal.

"Whatever is the matter, Hatter? You don't seem as Mad as usual."

He looks sadly up at me, "Forgive me, Cheshire."

I frown, which is unusual. I am known for my grin.

Before I can say anything, White Soldiers begin to surround my tree.

"Cheshire Cat you have been accused." They echo and I notice that Hatter has conveniently vanished.


I do not want to say how they got me to the courtroom of the White Queen. It involved a lot of scratching, complaining and most likely the soldiers who took me will have bite marks.

And when they drag me up the steps to the stand, I realize that this is very very real.

I bet you are wondering why I am not evaporating away. I can't. The chain around my neck is preventing me from doing so. It is a different type of metal. It is magically enhanced with a ferocious magic that if you try to escape from it it will burn your skin. That's why Wonderland only uses it for special purposes, such as containing a prisoner.

"Cheshire Cat. You have been accused of a very dangerous wrongdoing." The White Queen's second in command, the White prince booms.

I flinch. "Geez, calm yourself. My hearing is very sensitive."

I am ignored and the courtroom doors open, allowing the occupants of wonderland to enter the massive room.

I spot the Mad Hatter coming into the room with his usual calm smile that put a crack in my fragile heart. He feels no guilt for this, does he?

Turning my cat head back to face the Queen I ask calmly, "What is such a crime that I have been treated this way?"

The White Rabbit, who had been the one to lead Alice to the gateway, jumps up and yells, "You killed Alice!"

I keep my face calm, even as my mind is going a mile a minute.

"Prove it." I challenge.

The White Queen nods firmly.

"Is it true that you have healing properties?" The White Prince asks. I nod. What does that have to do with anything?

"Do you also have a claw that poisons when used to scratch?" I nod again. It is my back right paw and it is the fourth claw. Only someone who has had it used against them could know.

"Do you hate Alice?" I don't answer with my head or my voice. I stand there silently.

"I asked you a question."

I tilt my head before I finally speak, "And I can choose whether or not I answer."

"Very well. My Queen."

I look back toward White Queen.

"Cheshire Cat, is there anything you would like to say before we read your fate from the Oraculum?"She asks.

I shake my head.

"Very Well. Oraculum show us Cheshire's fate."

The White prince unrolls the ancient Parchment and everyone's eyes turn to look at the newest addition. 

It is me. 

Only the White Queen can understand the Oraculum's language, since she was taught it at a very young age and when she finishes reading the words, she turns her attention toward me once again, 

"Cheshire Cat. You have a fire within you that no other creature or person will ever have. You are destined for greatness. Just not here. Your destiny presides in the world of humans where you shall live out your days until the Oraculum predicts your return or Wonderland no longer stands. Your bonds to this world will be cut and you will have no contact with anyone here. Do you understand?" 

"Yes White Queen." 

"Good. Now, As the reigning Queen of the Glass world, hence known as Wonderland, I sever Cheshire Cat's mortal, emotional, physical, blood, and life ties to this realm. This creature will return to the land in which her body was formed and will live among the mortals until her time comes to an end." 

"Cheshire Cat, you have been Exiled." 


And that was only the beginning of a great story. 

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