Chapter 2

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*Rose's p.o.v*

I watched them leave, leaving me all by myself. I looked around to the room. There was a nice little white nightstand on the left of the bed with two little candles posed on it. Further in the room, in the corner, there was a desk which was below a window. A window from which I could see the blue sky with beautiful clouds. Such a beautiful day and view it was. If only everything in life could be that beautiful. I heard birds chirping. It was fresh, invigorating, relaxing and calming all at a breath of fresh crisp air to the lungs.
Tears crawled down my cheeks. I couldn't stand life anymore. There wasn't anything good about it. Everything had been a nightmare since my parents had died. I had seen them die, killed by two men, in front of my eyes. As I was under the bed, a coward. I didn't do anything to save them. And now...I missed them so damn much, more then anything I had ever missed in my godamn life.
More tears continued to crawl down my cheeks, dripping from my chin into my shirt.
I looked around the room, thinking that maybe this was my chance to start a new life, to actually get somewhere in life. These guys seemed very sweet. Maybe, thanks to them, I could start living again. I could have a somewhat normal teenage life again.
I heard my stomach growl. This made me smile. I was starving..literally. Maybe I should head downstairs for breakfast.
I wiped off the tears from my face and removed the covers and gasped at the sight...I wasn't in my clothes. Someone had changed me into new clothes? Omg!! Who saw me naked? One of these guys?
I blushed, as I felt totally embarrassed at the thought.
I put a foot down on the floor, then another one and walked downstairs.
I walked in the kitchen, all eyes turned to me. I looked at all the faces and there was one I hadn't seen yet.
She was standing there near the stove, looking at me with a smile on her lips.

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