Chapter 16

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*Jad's p.o.v*

I rolled over in bed to see a empty spot next to me. I got up quickly in shock to that realization. Where the hell was Rose?! I rushed out of bed and out of the bedroom where i bumped into Jason. « goodmo...hey wait.. » Jason gives me a dirty look once he finally realizes im coming out of Rose's bedroom.
« Its not what you think » i starts explaining before i ask him if he's seen Rose.
« No i haven't but you have some explaining to do... » I cut him off, completely ignoring the rest of what he has to say by continuing my way to the bathroom which was also empty. Damn where is she? I started panicking. I ran down the stairs and bolted in the kitchen, followed by Jason, spotting Rose cooking. She turns to us, surprised by our strange entrance.

« Rose... » 😶

She smiles at us « yes? What's wrong? »

What's wrong? Seriously? You've been hiding like a cavewoman and avoiding everyone since two days and you've been screaming in the middle of the night having nightmares of god knows what and now here you are up early, cooking and smiling like everything is normal. Shouldn't i be the one wondering what the hell is wrong?

« just surprised to see you up and all.. » i started on then i couldn't resist asking if she was okay.

« Yes im okay...i decided to go back to school actually » she said while continuing on cooking, she barely looked at us. Huh really. Was she really ready to go back? Was she really okay? She has gone through so much in her life..a lot we don't know about..

I walked in the kitchen and sat down to the kitchen table, Jason followed me but didn't sit down, he just kept on looking at me, i could feel it. I turned to face him. Indeed he was looking at me.

« You guys will have to explain yourself at some point...there's definitely something going out between you two..are you guys dating now? For god sake you guys barely know each other, its a bit too early to be sleeping together »

Jason was my best friend, like a big brother to me but right now he was pissing me off crazy. It was none of his business what i was doing sleeping in Rose's doesn't mean we're dating or anything.  And anyway who cares, it wouldn't be wrong even if we were. I dared to look at her only to find her looking down, surely trying to hide her embarrassment from the whole misunderstanding.

« Jason, shut up. Its really not what you think so just let it go » i said at Jason as i got up to exit the kitchen. I didn't wanna be mean or anything but sometimes Jason acted like such a dad, bossing us around and today it just annoyed the hell out of me. If Rose didn't wanna talk about her nightmares to me then she surely didn't wanna talk about it to Jason and she'd be upset if i even mentioned them.

I went to the bathroom upstairs to wash my face and started getting dress. When i came out Jason was waiting for me.
« What the hell was that about down stairs? Why you getting mad at me for? » he questioned.
« Look Jason, just drop it...seriously, its really not that big of a deal. We weren't doing anything. She was just sad i went to comfort her so she'd go back to school today. I didn't sleep in her room » It felt bad to lie but i didn't really have much choice. He didn't need to know of the real reason anyway.

« okay okay, just be careful not to do anything dumb and not to rush into anything. She has enough trouble, she dont need anything else then a friend »

I couldn't help myself but to roll my eyes. I mean god what is he talking about? We're just friends, what else can there be?

« Jason...seriously, stop it, its all non sense » 

*Rose's p.o.v*

I opened my locker door, already feeling exhausted when first period hadn't even started. I then felt something heavy jump on me all excited. It was Katia. She surrounded her arms around my neck. Oh boy.

« Roseeee » she squealed « I'm so happy that you're back, i missed you. »
I couldn't help myself but to smile. She was such a adorable person. How could i had ignored her? I must of really lost my mind.

« I missed you too, im so sorry for not texting back, i wasn't feeling too well » i said while taking my books out, trying to avoid her eye contact.

« What happened tho? Is it cuz of Emily? You could had came to talk to me about it, i thought you were mad at me or something » she said with a worried look on her face.

« Noo ofcourse i wasn't mad at you, never would that happen, you're way too sweet. And yes part of it is because of Emily...but its not just that... »

« What else? »

I closed my locker door and started to walk away. I just couldn't tell her about this. Not that i don't trust her but what would it do talking about it? It would just make things worse. « its nothing..really, anyway i gotta go to class, lets meet up after okay? »

« Umm..okay? »

I smiled, she smiled back then i waved her bye before going to my Religion's class. Arrived there I sat in the back and started taking out my books and notes. Someone sat in the seat next to mine. I raised up my eyes and saw it was Michael.

« Hey miss who disappeared for two days »

I smiled « hey » i replied back

« Where the hell were you? Were you sick? » he questioned.

« No not really...just had a lot going on.. »

I ignored his eyes, i didn't want him to see i was lying or avoiding the subject.

« Ah i don't want to talk about it, right? »

« Its not really something I can talk about.. »

He stayed quiet and there was a awkward short silence before i tried to start up the convo again by asking if i missed anything major but right when he was about to answer the bell rang and the teacher started the class. We gave each a look, making signs that we'd talk after.

I know they wonder and worry about me missing school but i just really don't feel like talking about it and even if i did i wouldn't know what to say..i just want to forget about it all and move on. And I had to go ask to transfer class..I certainly didn't want to sit in a class with a teacher who only thought of getting into my pants...History class was my next class and I just couldn't go, I just couldn't convince myself to face the guy so i just had to skip it.. I didn't have much choice..

I tried concentrating on what the teacher was saying until the class ended. I got up and put my stuffs back in my bag and started walking for the exit and then down the hall as i turned around to glance at Michael who was a bit further away in the back of the crowd. Someone bumped me hard, i looked around to see who it was and of course it was none other then Emily.

« First the trio of guys then the new guy, you are quite the slut i see » she snickered while continued her way. Did it really make her happy to insult me and take me down like she did? I questionned while watching her walk away. Michael joined me, trying to figure out what I was looking, he asked with a worried expression « are you okay? What you looking at? »

« Nothing important »  i smiled at him. He smiled back.

« Hey I wanted to ask you something » he then said as we started walking together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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