Chapter 7

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*Rose's p.o.v*

The rest of the day went by slowly, too slowly. I skipped lunch, i didnt want to face the guys and have to pretend like my first day was going so well. It just wasnt. I wanted to cry so badly but i held it in. That girl was right, i didnt belong here. Im not sure where exactly i belong tho...
After school i went for a walk, i didnt want to walk back home with them. I just didnt want to see anyone. I walked around downtown feeling like a zombie without a cause. I looked at the boutiques and the people. Until i felt a drop fall on my arm. What was that? I raised my head up to look at the sky. Another drop felt on my forehead. Oh gosh dont tell me its starting to rain. Suddenly, it started raining hard. There ya go, just my luck.

* Jad's p.o.v *

I sat in the living room playing a video game with Jason and Sean when suddenly i heard the front door burst open then close. I saw Rose run in the house and then run up the stairs. She was soaking wet and was hiding her face with her hands. What was wrong with her?

- Rose, are you okay?

I didnt get an answer, she just ignored me and ran up the stairs. A minute later i heard her bedroom door roughly close shut. I looked at the guys who also had a concerned face. I got up and ran up the stairs, worried. I turned the doorknob but it was locked. I knocked on the door.

- Rose, whats wrong? Open the door, let me come in

Yet again, i didnt get an answer, all i could hear was Rose crying.

- Please tell me whats wrong..

- Leave me alone! I dont want to talk to anyone i heard her answer back.

😒😅 damn, girls piss me off sometimes. Always crying and never wanting to talk about it.
I looked at Sean and Jason then i walked away.

*Rose's p.o.v*

I suddenly heard silence. I turned to look at the bedroom door. Had i hurt his feelings or what? Why wasnt he talking anymore? Had he gave up already? Lol
Finally i heard knocking again but this time it wasnt Jad who was talking but Jason.

- Rose, if you had a bad day you can talk about it with us but please dont stay locked up in your room.

Ugh yes i had a bad day, i just dont ever want to go back to that school ever again! They cant understand what its like. I dont wanna face those girls. Everyone hates me. Theres nothing good in my life right now, its not at all what i expected.
I burried my head in my pillow and my almost inhuman sobs coming out from deep within my soul. My tears kept on drooling out of my eyes on to my cheeks, my face, my pillow. I couldnt help myself, i felt so hurt and i acknowledged painfully that i had no mother or father to turn to, i have no one...
I heard a faint sound, i raised my head up, i heard knocking but it wasnt on the door like earlier, it was a different sound. I looked around then my eyes widened in shock at what i was seeing at my window. I stared at Jad who was at my window making signs to open up. I rushed out of bed and quickly went to open the window.

*Jad p.o.v*

I knocked on her bedroom window. She lifted her head from her pillow, stunned. She looked at me, her eyes were swollen and redenned from crying. She walked quickly to the window and opened.

- OMG! Jad! Are you crazy?! She screamed

I got down of the window and closed the window before turning to her. Her hair were all wet and messy. I just watched as her big brown eyes looked at me. She was cute when she was crying.

- Well what else did you want me to do? You weren't opening up the door i said before adding on with a smirk its your fault, its your fault if im crazy.

She smiled lightly.

- Dont you want to tell me whats wrong? What happened today? I questioned her.

She looked at me, tears about to burst out of her beautiful eyes. She lowered her head to look at the floor then i saw her body shake, she was crying again. I touched her elbow, hoping she would react and just look at me but she just continued crying instead. I got closer to her and hugged her while caressing her hair and back.

She didnt talk about what happened all night long but she did accept to open up the door and come watch a movie with us, where she felt asleep on my shoulder.

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