Chapter 14

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You know that moment when everything is going way better then it has since a long time and you feel like its just too perfect to last? Well in a big majority, if not all, of these moments something happens to prove to you that perfect moments never, ever last for long.

*Rose's p.o.v*

Jad and I were walking back home, the day had been so nice. For once i wasn't going home crying. I hadn't seen Emily today so i guessed she must have just let go her plan of revenge against me. I had friends again and i had this great funny weird cute guy who i was walking home with. What could i ask more?
"Hey, do we have homework in Math class?" Jad asked interrupting my thoughts.
"Yeah, we have that...oh shit..." i stopped suddenly and checked my bag. Just what i thought.
"What? What's wrong?" Jad asked, worrying.
"Im so dumb"
"Indeed you are" Jad replied back with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Ugh i forgot my Math books in the library, i gotta go back to get them"
"Want me to come with you?"
"No its fine, ill go back quickly"
"You sure?"
"Yes totally, its not far anyway"
"Okay, as you want" Jad replied.
I turned around, waved him goodbye with a smile then started running back to school.
Once i got there, i went directly to the library where i thanked god that my books were still there.
I took my books quickly, throwing them in my bag then started to head out but bumped into someone. I raised my head to see who it was.
"Mr so sorry, i didnt see you" i said with a big grin. Gotta make a good impression with my history teacher or he'll definitely flunk me, that will teach me to not look where im going.
"Its fine, dont worry about it...oh by the way i wanted to speak to you, do you have a moment, Rose?"
Umm me? Why? Are my grades that bad? 😭
"Euh yes sure, what is it about?" I answered.
"Let's talk about it more privately in my classroom, will we?" He said before starting to walk down the hall, heading to his classroom.
Okay...he didn't even leave me the time to answer. I followed him. This is so weird.
What is this about? Whats so important that he wants to talk to me privately?
We got to his classroom where he ordered me to sit down before closing the door behind us.
I sat down nervously. He walked behind me while i just sat there feeling a panic attack build inside me.
"You know, Rose, Ive been observing you for a while and I've got to say that you are quite pretty"
I didn't like how this started and where it was heading. I could hear his voice but not see him as he was behind me. I wanted to turn around but i felt like in a horror movie and the killer was behind me.
What was he doing behind me?
Suddenly i felt his hands in my neck. Oh shit.
My eyes opened wide. I just froze. This was all so wrong.
"Id like us to get to know each other" Seriously? Is he kidding me? That must be it, this must be a prank or something, this can't be real! I couldn't talk anymore, my brain still worked but the rest of my body had just paralyzed with his hand slowly slipping down in my tshirt.
"M-Mr. Harrison...."
He started kissing my neck.
"No...please...we can't do this..."
"Oh yes we can, no one will know about it, its just you and me"
No, i dont want this. This isn't right. How can this keep happening to me?! Why do i always attract perverted guys that just want to take advantage of me? What is wrong with me?
He slipped his hand further down, slipping his hand in my bra...
Why am i not moving?
Why? Why? Why??
I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I closed my eyes.
Suddenly i heard a phone ring. I opened my eyes wide again. Was it my phone? I didn't know anymore, i was just so in shock.
He took his hands off my body.
"I'm just gonna pick this up, quickly, wait okay?"
I didnt answer. I heard him answer the phone call and say "hey"
I got up quickly and stormed out of the classroom, running down the hall, running out of this school, tears crawling down my cheeks.
What just happened? Did i really just get touched inappropriately by my history teacher!? How far was he planning on going? Was he gonna rape me?
I bumped into someone and felt down on the ground.
Oh god. What now again?
I looked up and saw Emily. I frowned.
This is seriously the last person i would had wanted to see right now.
"Oh poor baby, are you crying? Well guess what, you're gonna be crying a lot more once im done with you"
She kicked me hard in the stomach. I screamed in agony as she continued hitting me.

After what seemed like hours, i got up with difficulty and stumbled my way home. My stomach and legs and arms hurted like hell. Im pretty sure i had cuts and i was bleeding but i just didn't want to stop and look. I just wanted to go home.
I got home and walked up the stairs, heading to my bedroom where i closed the door behind me and took my clothes off. I just wanted to see my cuts. It bled at two spots, one spot on my leg and another on my stomach. Nothing deep but it hurted pretty badly. I rolled on the floor and let myself cry some more. What was this world i lived in? A world where a teacher took advantage of his students. A world where there was bullies that would be mean for no good valuable reason. A world where a girl can lose her parents just like that.
A few minutes later, i took the courage to get up. I needed a shower. I put my bathrobe on and headed out of my room, heading for the bathroom...but before i got there i met Jad that was coming up from downstairs. I was hoping to not see anyone.

"Hey you're back home, you sure took your time....omg are you okay? What happened to you? Did you fall? Why are you bleeding?" He approached me, a worried look on his face. I pushed him away and pushed my way into the bathroom.
"Rose!" He screamed while gripping my arm.
I turned around but i couldn't look at him.
"Im fine, please leave me alone, i just felt that's all"
He stayed quiet so i glanced up at him. He didn't seem convinced.
"Jad...please let me go.."
"Rose, if there's something wrong you have to tell me, i can help you i promise"
He just don't understand. Its not something he can help me with. I just feel so ashamed. How could i ever talk to anyone about this. No one would believe me, i have no way to prove it. To prove that Mr. Harrison touched my breasts and would had went further if i hadn't ran away.
And about Emily, what good would it do to me to tell anyone about her beating me up? It would only make things worse. She warned me that it would be worse next time if i got close to the guys again.
Jad let go of my arm and got closer to me. He hugged me. I just stayed there, surprised and not knowing what to say or do. He was so sweet. Always there to comfort me. But from now on, i shouldn't be friends with him or any of the guys anymore, atleast at school. Ugh i just felt like ignoring everyone, i didn't feel like talking to anyone. It was useless. I was just too sad and tired to pretend to be happy and normal.

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