Chapter 8

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* Rose's p.o.v *

I looked at myself in the mirror, i just couldnt pretend it even if i wanted to, i looked like crap. I threw some cold water on my face. Oh yeah like thats gonna help you look less like crap i thought to myself. I walked out of the bathroom and literally dragged myself to the kitchen. I so didnt have a good mood today. I wasnt even sure i wanted to go to school and have to deal with everyone staring at me and being mean to me. I had actually stayed in bed until Jad walked in my room this morning and jumped on my bed. What a awesome way to start a day lol being crushed by a human being.
I prepared myself something to eat quickly then went to get dressed before leaving with the guys.
A few minutes later we got to school. We walked up the stairs and entered the school, split up to go to our lockers.
I open up my locker, take out my math book and put it in my handbag. Some girls walk by me and yell out ugly bitch. I turn around to look at them. Who are they talking to?! I question myself but its now evident when i see them looking at me, laughing among themselves. At that moment i just want to throw a book to them but i hold myself back from doing just that. I only stand there feeling so hurt. How can they be so mean to me? They dont even know me and i didnt even do anything to them.
I close my locker and walk down the hall where people keep turning around to stare at me and laugh at me. I get to math class where i see the boys sitting in the back. Emily and her girls were seating infront, they turned to look at me and whisper between themselves. I looked at the guys then back at Emily. Like if she had guessed my intention of going sit with the guys, she narrowed her eyes at me, warning me to not even think about it. Should i go sit in the back with them? I didnt even know anymore. Ughh this was pure torture. Emily is going to make me regret it if i do go sit with the guys yet they are my only friends and they wont get why im ignoring them if i dont. And i must clearly look like a dork even more by just standing here...
Make up your damn mind Rose!!! I yelled to myself mentally.
Ill go sit in the middle. There. Thats the solution i told myself as i looked at the guys. Jad looked at me with a puzzled look before waving me to come sit with them.
Now determined to not care a damn what Emily had told me, i smiled at the guys then walked down the alley to go sit in the back. All of a sudden, for no reason at all, i felt confident. Suddenly i felt a sensation on my left leg. Oh no, not again. This cant be happening again i thought.

*Jad p.o.v*

I watched Rose walking down the alley. Suddenly her face expression changed dramatically and i understood why as i saw her fall down on the floor. I got up immediately but she managed to lift herself back up with her hands. Emily, smiling, offered a hand to Rose which Rose refused. Why was Rose refusing Emily's hand? Shes just trying to help out. Thats not a way of making friends. Something was definitely up with Rose since she started school...
She walked to us and sat at a desk near ours.
- are you okay? I asked Rose

- yes, im just fine she said quietly, raising her eyes to look at me with a sad look covering her face.

Just fine? No way! She wasnt fine at all. I could see it in her eyes, every time i looked at her she looked like she was about to cry, her smile was different, she kept on looking down to the ground when she walked in the halls. What the hell happened that changed her? Why had she came home crying yesterday?

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