Chapter 15

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*Jad's p.o.v*

"Hey, you're Jad right?" This asian girl asked me in Biology class. I have seen this girl hanging out with Rose, maybe she knows something about why Rose has been acting weirdly and pretended to be sick since two days just to avoid going to school. I'm not that dumb, i can see that she's not really sick but i can see also that something happened, i just cant figure out what.
"Yes and you're a friend of Rose, right?"
She nodded, smiling shyly. "I'm Katia, im sorry to bother you but i know you live with Rose and well i haven't seen her around and she's been ignoring my texts, i dont understand, is she okay? Is she mad at me or something?"
"No i dont think she's mad at you...but i guess i don't really know to be honest, she has barely walked out of her room since two days, she says she's sick but i don't really buy that...she came home with cuts the other day, it was like if she had been attacked but why wouldn't she talk to us about it? I don't get it"
Katia kept quiet, her eyes had widened and she looked down, with a sad face, like she knew something i didn't.
"What's wrong?" I asked her
"Well I'm not sure if i should tell you this but she was bullied a bit by some girls in school, maybe that's who attacked her..."
I felt heat coming up to my head. How had i not figured that out! It was so evident that since she started school she's been acting strange and she's been looking sad, so it was obvious it had to do with something happening at school.
"Who was it that bullied her?"
"I think her name is Emily but i dont wanna cause trouble so please dont do anything bad"
Like hell i wont pfftt that damn fake b****
Rose's p.o.v

I sneaked back to my room with a bag of chips and a glass of Coca Cola. Totally healthy supper i know but i just didn't feel like eating anything else really. I sat down on my bed, took a sip of my glass and started reading my book for school, the outsiders. I heard a vibrating sound coming from my nightstand. Let's not get bad thoughts here. I looked up at my phone and saw Katia had texted me. Why was i ignoring her exactly? Why was i ignoring everyone? They were my friends. It didn't even make sense in my own mind. Nothing made sense anymore. I just always wanted to have a normal life but what if a normal life is exactly this all. Everyone has their problems and living nightmares. Everyone goes thru bad times but maybe thats what life is made of. Life is having good and bad moments. Life is having to stress, its having to be strong and getting back up when you've been pushed around, life is enjoying the good moments while they last. Life is hard and complicated but in life you have the possibility to do whatever you want, you have the possibility to try, fail then try again as many times as you want until you succeed, you just need to run after what you want and not give up.
I took my phone, started writing hey Katia im sorry for not texting im okay then I sent her the message.
I laid on my bed, stared at the ceiling, just thinking and overthinking, until i felt askeep.

*a few hours later*

« Where's the key? »he growls
« I don't know » my dad's lips trembled « I don't have it. »

« We know you have it! » the man shouts, gripping my mom's arm.

« Please tell them where the key is » my mom sobs, begging my dad with her eyes.

« Fine » the man yells « we have no other choice then. »
« What are you going to do?! » my mom cries. Her eyes widen to the sudden realization of what's about to happen.
The man pulls out a gun and raise it to my mom's head. She turns her eyes to me. I am hiding under the bed trying not to let out any noise while I just want to cry and scream hysterically.

« Mom... » i whimper quietly.

She moves her lips but no sound comes out, only tears. I try to read her lips and I figure out what she's saying. I love you.

« Please no » my dad screams « she has nothing to do with all of this »

« Rose »

« Tell us what we want to know » the man growls.

« Rose wake up »

« I swear i don't know! » my dad yells.

I suddenly hear a huge bang

« Rose! » I open my eyes, whimpering.

« Jad? » I sit up, confused.

« I heard you screaming » he said « I didn't want you to wake everyone »

« Sorry » I gulp « I didn't mean to »

« It's ok » he says softly. I stare down, embarrassed. « Does it happens often? » he asks.

« Yeah.. » i answer quietly.

« What was it about? »

« Don't worry about it » I say quickly, not wanting to talk about it « I am fine, don't worry it was just a bad nightmare, you can go back to sleep » i faked a smile before i roll over, facing the other way. I feel the weight lift off my bed, and he turns off my lamp. I can't help it, i let out a sob. Darkness always made it worse. I cover it with a cough, but i feel the bed shift, and he slides under the covers.

« What are you doing? » i protest, moving away from him as far as i could.

« Just shush » he says, getting comfortable « you're not going to be able to sleep again tonight, and I can't sleep knowing that. So just close your eyes. »
He places his head on the pillow and I stare at him, dumbfounded.
Eventually, after realizing he isn't going to leave, I lay back down, next to him.

« Goodnight Jad » I say softly.

« Night Rose »

I should be confused, I've only known him for like two weeks. How is this happening? I stare at his sleeping face. My heart starts pounding. He's such a adorable guy. He's always there for me when i just need someone to be there for me.

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